
Why I can't stop watching Step up 2?

by  |  earlier

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I love Step Up 2,I love Chase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I watch the film every day.WHY?




  1. ?

  2. You want to be apart of that movie.  

    Maybe in reality, you wish that happened to you.  

    Your mind is telling you something, try taking dance classes.  

    Make that movie your reality. : )

    Or   YOu could have a crush for the guy.

  3. ????

  4. cause you like them!!!!! probrably because you like how the dance. I love those 2 movies. I wish i can dance like that!!!!!! lol =)

  5. Because your DVD player hasn't broke yet.  

  6. I would say that it is because it is your favorite movie. Maybe?

  7. Maybe you have no life, maybe you should find something better to waste your time on.

    Some thing productive, instead of a sh i tt y movie.

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