
Why I can not add people or be added in yahoo 360 anymore?

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Why I can not add people or be added in yahoo 360 anymore?




  1. Same thing is happening to me, I can't  get other things to work either. Most annoying.

  2. This is likely a 360 glitch, as recently people have asked similar questions in this category. Often Yahoo burps up messages and invitations that should have been received long ago. There's nothing you can do about it, except wait and hope the problem resolves itself. Problems receiving (and sending) invitations and messages have happened before. See for more details on 360 glitches.

    NOTE: Yahoo! 360 is transitioning to a new system in the second half of 2008. Click on the "Yahoo!360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space or go to for more details. However, the Y!360 team is no longer addressing 360 glitches.

    BUT in case it's not a glitch, there are other reasons why an invitation stops working:

    1) If a person's Yahoo! 360 page is not activated, you will not be able invite them. It will say that they are not accepting invitations at this time. Everyone has 360 attached to their Yahoo account,  but it stays dormant until it is activated (i.e. used for the first time). If the invite is sent to an address other than a Yahoo-related one, then it won't work.

    2) If they have an activated 360 page, but their Communications Settings are set to "Friends of Friends" or "Friends" instead of "Everyone 360" in terms of invitations - and you are not a "Friends of Friends" or a "Friend" - then your invitation will not be received.

    3) They denied the invitation.

    4) You are on the person's "ignore" list, thus communications from you are not received. See for more information.

    5) As mentioned above, some people are having problems with their mailboxes that could prevent the sending and receiving of messages - like invitations.

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