
Why I dislike my life, its so boring in sg.?

by  |  earlier

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Low income

Work day and night

High expanses/ everything is $$$

No true friends to talk to

No one seem to understand me

I feel so helpless in sg

Is there any place in this Earth that I can go to get better?




  1. try india

  2. heaven

  3. sometimes i feel the same way.well theres really nohing to do about it. cheer up. dont worry not always as bad as it seems...

  4. I totally understand this feeling.  Sometimes it seems like life is just more difficult everyday.  While I'm sure there are many places on Earth that can make you feel better, I think you first need to go inner to understand why you feel this way.  Have you ever tried meditation or self-hypnosis for stress relief?  You might try doing this.  Sitting still and quietly with perhaps some peaceful music can oftentimes make you realize what is truly bothering you.  You may even find a meditation group in your community.  Sometimes it's easier to do this in a group setting, and it may even lead to meeting more friends that will understand you.  Take care.

  5. they are many cheap place for you.

    Philipines,Indonsia, thailand even malaysia.

  6. There are many perspective you can look at your own life.

    But first look at the news paper first, count if you can, how many article or people's life are worse than yours.

    Think! If you were them how would you feel?

    I will tackle you question one by one, not in order.

    True friends, understanding..., helpless..

    There was a saying, True friends hard to find. If you can find one, you are very lucky.

    Email me, I'll try to be one. NO ill-intention, I just want to help.

    Low income, work & work.

    I run computer DIY & repair bussiness. Be my part time sales, profit sharing. You get customer, I work, easy? No quota, No conmitment. Get some extra income for youself.

    High cost of living

    You are in sg, a first world country, its normal.

    Place to go

    You are a sg.ean. So am I. I can feel your stress and pain. I can understand your other problems and frustration even though you did not mentioned them.

    Stay, your root is here. your home is here. There is no place out there better than your home. You just need a bit of charged up only.

    I dive in M'sia once a while, join me, go to the world of fishes and corals.

    Whenever I come back from there, my batt is charged, and I'm ready to go again.  

    My email

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