
Why I get so angry when I drink..

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Ok so I have been drinking since I was 16. When I was 16 I was raped which I thought that I was over. I went to a counselor and everything. I was fine, so I thought. A couple years after this I met the most amazing guy and we dated for a year and two months, and just recently broke it off for the last time. when we got together we were the couple to be. So happy and found out he was a heavy drinker, but I didn't mind cause I liked drinking but soon to come I think it was 6 months after that when I drank too much I would get so angry and it would be at the one that I loved my boyfriend! Why was this? I still dont know. I would bring up my past and hit him and bring my anger out on him. I would do it every now and then, but soon it was like every week. he got sick of it and its been 5 days since we have spoken. I love him so much I dont want to loose him, but does anyone know why I get so mad and bring up the past when I get drunk and get mad at him??




  1. Drinking and being sensible don't go together. Having a serious pain in your life, and having been drinking since before your brain was developed, exacerbates it. I can't offer an understandable reason for why you would hit your boyfriend, because there isn't one. Stop drinking. If you need it, get counseling again. You don't want to destroy anymore relationships over an addiction.

  2. Drinking will make your inside emotions really get wild outta control behaviour, specially that what you had inside was just so mad.. and will totally show up.. thats normal to show up. What That you've been desperately holding on inside, was the one you should work on, you need to go back for counselling again/..

  3. I know plenty of people who are angry drunks.

  4. the best thing for you to do is see another counselor.. one good reason is cause your bringing up your past that is causing you to be a angry drunk.. if your still bringing up your past that means there is something your holding in that you don't want to say or maybe your guilty of something and your taken it out on him. see a counselor this way you can confided in him or her.. as for your drinking stop all together till you can find out what you need to find out to make your life happier and healthier.

  5. Don't Drink

    go see a counselor again!Maybe you both should

    its not bad.But

    Drinking Makes People Do Stupid Things!

  6. Sounds like your a mean drunk. The best thing for you to do is limit your drinking or quit altogether.

  7. It could be that you two don't mix well when you're drinking. My girlfriend and I used to drink too much in the bar/club and get into a huge fight. Next day we didn't know why. So now we keep it in check and it's worked out great.  

  8. you deep down want to say and do all that, when your sober you stop yourself but when your drunk.....THERES NO HOLDING BACK! AGGRESSION!!!

  9. Maybe it's just because he's a guy.  You were raped by a guy, and so, subconsciously, you have a fear and inner anger towards men.  When you get drunk, your real personality or inner feelings come out.  I think you may want to go back to a counselor to talk more and get everything else built up inside of you, out. Explain to your boyfriend that it's not his fault but that he has to understand that this horrible thing happened to you, and getting drunk is raising angry feelings towards men.  Tell him you are going to get help, and ask him to be supportive of you and try and help you through this, because you love him and don't want to lose him over something in your past.  Good luck, honey, I hope everything goes well!

  10. Stop drinking and tell him this. If you really love him and want to be with him then you will quit for him. I don't really know why you get mean when you're drunk. Some people just get like that.

  11. There are happy drunks and angry drunks, looks like you fall in the second group. Whether it's inherent or a result of your past, I would recommend you limit how much you drink

  12. I have been in this situation before - started drinking more because he did - before I knew it he started hitting back and I had a real taste for alcohol.  The two of you might be bringing out the worst in each other - also if you are bringing up the past when you are drinking it is because you are repressing it and your inhibitions are lowered by the booze.  I agree that you should curb drinking and definitely start talking to someone about what is bothering you - maybe if you resolve your issues - they will no longer haunt you.  I know you said you spoke to someone but maybe the alcohol or the boyfriend is triggering something new - or you are just feeling vunerable and lashing out?

  13. yeah your a angry or mean drunk i know people who only get mad or angry when they drink rum anything else and there fine happy as larry

  14. you may be SubConsciencely taking it out on him. Drinking can bring out some bad emotions, at both degrees

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