
Why I hate Miley Cyrus?

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“[Nick and I] became boyfriend and girlfriend the day we met,” the 15-year-old Hannah Montana star shared. “He was on a quest to meet me, and he was like, ‘I think you’re beautiful and I really like you.’ And I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh, I like you so much.’ Nick and I loved each other. We still do, but we were in love with each other. For two years he was basically my 24/7. But it was really hard to keep it from people. We were arguing a lot, and it really wasn’t fun.”

When asked how she dealt with her break-up from Nick, Miley said, “At first I bawled for a month straight. I was so sad. I just went into this weird funk. And I dyed my hair black. When we were dating, Nick wanted me to get highlights – and so I did that, and I got myself looking great. And then, on the day we broke up, I was like, I want to make my hair black now – I don’t want to look pretty; I want to look hard-core. I was rebelling against everything Nick wanted me to be. And then I was like, I’ve got to be by myself for now, and just figure out who I really am.”

"What I don't get - what I really get teary eyed about every time - is that I'm not a mean person. But people write such rude comments about me. I've never understood why people want to hurt other people."

"Sometimes it's hard, especially when it comes to my body. I have big b***s and curves, so I hear things like. "Watch your body - you need to wear this and that." You can't be voluptuous cause that's not the image. So I do struggle - I feel like everyone's looking at me."

"Well, I'm very much about "no s*x before marriage." When I was 12 years ld, I said to my mom, "I want to follow what the Bible says - would you buy me this ring? I want to wear it and promise it." She got it for me, right then and there, and it was awesome. And I've worn it ever since. I think it's easier when the guy believes the same thing as you do, so you're not always fighting a battle."

"I just say it. I'm like, "Oh, by the way, I'm not having s*x with you. I know this dress looks good on me, but its staying on," Mandy once gave me a present - it was a pair of boy shorts undies that said, "Stop! Don't Touch" with a stop sign. They're so funny!"

"I'm very mature for my age. But I really can be so immature. I'm like a 3-year-old sometimes. I'll do funny things, like when a guy asks for my number. I'll be like, "I'm not giving you my number - give me yours." So I'll get his, then I'll prank him! I'll do dumb accents or I'll start making up my own language. I prank Ryan Seacrest all the time. It's great getting him early in the morning - he's so crabby when he first wakes up, so I'm like, I'm calling at 8:30 A.M.!"

I think the last one says it all.




  1. ????????????????????????????????????????...

  2. Why does it matter? Why does everything a 15 year old girl does and says bother you so much? Why waste your time "hating" a girl that you'll probably never meet?  

  3. Yeah, I agree. I am disgusted by these teen celebrities, especially her.

    She shames all other people her age with these stupid fake comments & her cocky, arrogant attitude. It's not funny or cute, cut it out. I wish she could just be real and not act like she's so cool. The worse thing is that she can't even sing or act at all. There's just no talent there, but somehow she has her own show. I wouldn't watch it even if I was a kid.

  4. Hate is such a strong word.


    You can dislike her

    But have you met her?

    Has she done ANYTHING to you?


  5. So why exactly do you hate her???? That article proved that you shouldn't hate her. YOU HAVE NEVER MET HER, YOU DON'T KNOW IF SHE IS NICE OR NOT.

  6. You hate someone you've never met that has never done anything to you?

  7. I prank people all the time.  It's hilarious.

    Last year someone posted my number on a Disney Fan Forum and told them it was Miley Cyrus.  Of course.. I got 30 calls from different people a  day.. and apparently I sound like her over the phone too (Which sucks major Butt).  I have yet to find whoever posted it. I finally got my number changed but up until then I had so much fun scaring the c**p out of those little girls! >:D

    Hating is a waste of time and breath.

  8. "I have big b***s"

    Uhm, yeah, riiiight.

    She's fifteen and it looks like she's an A-cup.

    Not a normal size for her age, eh?

    "Oh, by the way, I'm not having s*x with you. I know this dress looks good on me, but it's staying on."

    Tease, much? Jesus, and she's conceited.


  9. Gid she is So annoying and immature. "I don't understand why people want to hurt each other" YOU MOCKED OTHER DISNEY STARS ON YOUTUBE. Me and Nick becanme bf anf gf the moment we met. please. If he loved you so much why did he deny he was dating you so much? And the way dhe makes him seem like the bad guy gets on my nerves too. Miley seems like the Clingy,Over-the-top,immature diva type. it's no wonder he wants to date selena.

  10. I find the part where she says I HAVE BIG b***s..... umm,... right....



    ITs funny!

    And I don't like her.....

    She is a lier!

  11. So, You don't know her.

    Why do you care ?

  12. wow u have no life...hating someone u dont even know

  13. ugh. she is soooo annoying. the big b***s and curves comment actually made me laugh out loud especially since she has neither. she's a liar. half of the things she said about her and nick probably arent even true. she's sooo conceited and obnoxious.

  14. The Top 10 Reasons Why This Induced Side-Splitting Laughter

    1. the fact that you took the time to post this seeing as you hate her

    2. so many people commented saying how much they hate her, yet they took the time out of their days to comment on a question they knew was about her

    3. you hate somebody you've never met? talk about evil...

    4. so many people don't realize that their opinions are just that...if she was really as God-awful as you claim, she really wouldn't be everywhere now would she?

    5. how completely and utterly retarded miley sounds in this interview...

    ps believe it or not, i do love miley <3 lol

  15. hmmm i don't think you should hate her!!!!

    but you can dislike her if you want

    i hope she won't become messed up like lohan....

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