
Why I should pay CSA when my ex wife dosen't allow me to see my son for 11 years?

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I divorced her on the grounds of adultry in 1997, she has never let me see him and he's now left school. I pay £506 a month CSA for someone I don't see because of her ruling. I feel I shouldn't need to pay and/or apply for a court order because I divorced her. I looking at buying a house but paying £506 a month is stopping me and with only one year left in the army time is running out. Can you please advise...




  1.      You divorced to your wife. As alleged by you your wife never lelt you to see your son, is not her that is your fault, you have to try to meet your son, if it is not possible in regular course.  Than Family Court is there, you approach the Court for Permission to see your son, and coustody of son for some time means in vacation.  Due to your attitude of non payment of maintainance to your son he has left the school, if you are not providing him basic necessity as food, shelter, and Education then how can he suvive know.  If your divorce is on the ground of Adultery than no question of paying maintanance to your wife.  But if it is other than adultery ground than you should pay maintainance to her till her death, or she gets remarry, If you feet you shouldn't need to pay and apply for court order beacuse your divorcee all these ideas you keep with you and pay maintainace to your son,   As your question it is clearly mentioned that your are government employee i.e. in army, if are failed to pay maintaninace to your son, Then he may claim maintanance from you, by attachment of  your salary.  It is very nice to buy a house for you by your savings, but if you are not paying amount then it is illegal one.  If you are buying a house then your son will get share in your house. As by words you have only one year of army service, Please abide the law of the Country and do best to your son, give him good Education and provide him better future.

  2. So let me get this straight.  Because your ex is not letting you see your son, he does not need food, clothes on his back or a roof over his head anymore?  Punish the kid for the mother's actions - that's the way to go!  And here I was thinking that they taught you a sense of responsibility in the military.

  3. Complaining about supporting your son is ridiculous.  

    It is not the child's fault that you are not seeing him.  

    You need to take the mother to court for not complying with the court order for you to see your son.  You need to grow up and quit taking what your wife does, out on the poor child that is being used as a pawn in this feud between you and your wife.  

  4. that is a financial obligation for having a child,i would file a visitation order in the court.

  5. May I ask why you haven't petitioned for custody of your son? Or why you haven't petitioned for parental visits?

    I think you need to speak to an attorney about this, and see about what you need to do in order to see your son and possibly reduce the payments.

    Please try to keep in contact with your son. You can get a court order to do this.

  6. I would suggest u get a lawyer and check what is ur option I'm pretty sure u could see ur child

  7. because he is your son

    he isn't a tourist site , he is your responsibility financially regardless if you see him or not

    you had s*x now pay the price

  8. Child support and custody are regarded as two seperate subjects in the eyes of the law.. if there is a child support order, you will have to pay child support for the duration stated in the order or face possible legal consequences.  If you want to see your child, you have legal options, such as filing a petition for visitation or contempt (if you have a visitation order and she isn't allowing you your time per the order).   Whether you are seeing him or not, he has financial needs.

  9. He's YOUR kid, you have to support him somehow. As for seeing him, talk to a lawyer about getting some kind of visitation rights if you really mean seeing him.

  10. Have you ever tried to see your son through the legal system?  The legal system sees it as the childs right to see both parents. I think if you really wanted to see your son you would have done what ever possible to see him.  over the last few years the family law system have been treating fathers with equal rights to the children.  

    The reason you have to pay child support is because the financial care of the child is the responsibility of both parents,  not just the mum.

    You do pay a high amount of child support per month,  but you obviously would be earning earning quite a bit each month yourself,  for the csa to calculate for you to pay your x that much.

    The cost of raising a child is quite expensive,   Compared to the cost of actually caring for a child full time your child support would nt cover it.

    Alot of single parents cant buy homes too,  simply because they have children that they have to provide for.

    If you really wanted to see your son,  you can,  but only you can make that effort. THE COST OF RAISING A CHILD IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BOTH PARENTS.

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