
Why India government is not acting when billions of faked currency is smuggled to India.?

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It was news in Indian papers billions of fake currecy is smuggled to India even through containers in Kochi from Dubai and other gulf contries. Lland prices in Kerala and south India sky rocketed but Government of India sleeping??.




  1. India is a democracy.

    Present Indian government is lead by Congress-I party with a coalition.

    Cong-I is power hungry.  It only wants to remain in power and does not care a bit about Indian nation's well being and well being of Indians.

    It is supported by the communist parties to form a majority so that they can rule.

    COn-I is promoting corruption.

    COmmunists in India have been known for promoting anti-national interests and crime and terrorism in India and world wide.

    So if the rulers are themselves anti-national and not well wisher of Indian and Indian people's interest don't you think it is obvious that they will ignore the anti-national and criminal actions like false currencies, smuggling etc. ?

    It is only a natural act expected from such power-hungry and anti-national government elements that are ruling India today.

    Also the current Congress-I president is an Italian lady by ethnicity.

    She is supported by Italian Mafias.  Remember how due to neglegence of Indian government and administration Kwtrauchi's funds held in an European bank were released ?

    WHy ? Mafia connections of the Indian government leads.

    What else do you expect in such a situation ?

    To tell you the truth the Indian government knows details of such activities better than you and me can ever come to know.  They choose to simply ignore it.  In fact they may be even encouraging such criminal and terrorist activities.

    Why ? As I have explained before it is a congress-I government with Communist parties' support in power in India.

    If you want to change that then you have to change the ruling parties.  That is the only practical solution in this Indian democracy.

  2. really. i didnt know. i am sure its the case everywhere. but the thing is something needs to be done. this is not acceptable

  3. My dear, the government is a part of this scam. Its not like they dnt know or are ignorant, its that they're getting rich while poor indian middle class suffers.

    Our country is run by selfish and cunning 'leaders'...and there's nuthin we can do.

    Yahi to maat kha gaya india!


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