
Why Indian girls are loosing their virginity at early age compared to past ages?

by Guest11090  |  earlier

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Are Indian girls are getting more independence , self confidence and their rights by loosing their virginity at the (school and college age) early age? Does loosing virginity prior to 18 years of age not open the door to permanent weakness of physic and mental? Does loosing virginity prior to 18 years of age not cause weakness of resistance power? Which is necessary to fight the deseases with.




  1. unfortunatelly we are in a time where parents do not care to teach their children that abstinance is the best medicine against pregnancy and viral diseases.  the morals are no longer there and parents are more and more busy with their lives, that the children are being left behind. Before, in earlier years, life was about family. about having children and teaching them to be better than us. Now,its about s*x and how  good it feels, if a child came out of that, well, we'll see what happens. there are no more building blocks, society is slowly decaying and no one is doing anything about it. it is the "if  it feels good do it" mentality that is making our youth die one day at a time. sad really, but it is a sign that the time is near, Jesus is coming soon

  2. i am pretty sure they are just like all other races have you walked around the streets they are everywhere all colors races and ethics it is become a new trend to become pregnant before 18 or something

  3. What? That question didn't make sense...

  4. This is too bad . The girsls should not loose virginity till they get married. If u loose your virginity its mean u are self confidenent and have power, this is all bull **** conepts.

    This is wrong way it should not be adopted i would like to say.

  5. What diseases? Stds or diseases in general? This question really doesn't make sense, but either way i would have to say no. Girls in general are losing their virginity a lot earlier than 18 (not something that I would personally recommend).

  6. Do you mean girls you are descendent from India or Native Americans?? Im Native and dont have a d**n clue what your talking about...

  7. Yes, I think Indian American girls are losing their virginity at a younger age than their mothers did, which was, presumably, when they married. Most Indian American girls probably lose their virginity in college, which I think is a fantastic age. Some probably wait until they are older and a few probably wait until marriage. They certainly wait longer than their Caucasian counterparts.

    i assume this was what you were asking? Your question was difficult to understand.

  8. people are going over confidence 'n' gaining much extra indepence not only girls but guys lure them...!!

    we can't clap with one hand right??

  9. No.

  10. I don't believe that just indian girls (not sure if you are talking about females from India or native american females) are losing thier virginity at an earlier age. I believe that this generation is more widely acceptant of it, so having s*x at an early age has become the norm.

    I personally don't believe that having s*x at an earlier age will cause any physical, mental or emotional weakness if they are ready for it.

    The question i have is .... are these females being pressured into having s*x at an earlier age or are they the ones initiating it?

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