
Why Indian people are so passionate to everything?

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Why Indian people are so passionate to everything?




  1. It is because they are taught good morals or (sanskar) throughout their life like they respect everyone whether it be their servant or any low caste but in other countries respect is done only on the social status.

  2. What, I cant agree with u, indian people are the laziest bunch of people I have come across, they cannot be characterized as passionate, perhaps overtly emotional,, which is really a weakness..

  3. Yes, so passionate that they at times kill , rape and steal very passionately. I guess the Indian corrupt politicians are also doing the same most passionately while they cheat the nation and indulge in crimes of all types.

    Please don't mind . I got carried away. I understand what you wanted to appreciate about the Indians. It's a good thing.

    I am also terribly frustrated by seeing the anarchy committed passionately by our people......especially the leaders of this country .

  4. I am passionate only to yahoo.

  5. Can't say why because I never noticed they were.

  6. define everything...if you can.

  7. why are you asking this question thats a good thing.

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