
Why Is Aggression Accepted In This Society?

by Guest65703  |  earlier

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I am doing a 10 page paper on aggression in society and want some more opinions since my professor wants outside sources and people reactions. The questions states Why Is Aggression accepted in this society? And what are the benefits of countries using aggression?




  1. How about looking at it from the natural point of view.  Aggression is what gets food put on the table whether it be sufficient aggression to wander around the country stumbling upon food or aggression enough to be patient enough to wait out the period for a crop to be harvested or aggressive enough in the modern day and age to be able to repress the instincts that will impulse you into getting yourself fired and without an income to feed your family or yourself.  

    And you had better have some aggression at least enough to get up and go out into society and battle the everyday battle of keeping yourself above water and ahead of the game enough to relax every now and then.  And you had better be aggressive enough to keep others from taking even this little thing away from you.

  2. IMO it's because we all feel it, therefore cannot reject it totally or we would be rejecting ourselves.

    We can all find justification for it in degrees.

    Jorge has a good response.

  3. I really think we as people naturally accept what we have seen when growing up.  There is so much violence on TV and in movies that we are mostly desensitized to it.  The fact that it is okay to show violence in the media indirectly sends the message that it is acceptable behavior - it's okay to get violent if you've been wronged or you are really angry.  I wonder what our country would be like if we were never exposed to violence in our movies and TV until we were adults.  We seem more concerned with preventing kids from knowing and learning about s*x than we care about them beating, shooting, and killing each other.  

    I'm not sure that there any real benefits from using aggression in our modern culture.  Perhaps the aggression would be beneficial if we lived before modern civilization when the law of the jungle - kill or be killed - was still important.  In our current society, aggression (instead of assertiveness) seems to be very destructive and demoralizing.  It's certainly not uplifting to watch the local news and see all the robberies, rapes, and killings of the past 24 hours.

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