
Why Is Fast Food Like Pizza's And Burgers Cheap And Why Is Healthier Food More Expensive?

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Why Is Fast Food Like Pizza's And Burgers Cheap And Why Is Healthier Food More Expensive?




  1. Fast food (or fats food) appeals to the masses, they sell LOT'S of it! Fresh veggies and fruits in season are usually affordable especially in the LONG RUN!!!

  2. Because the ultimate goal can be seen in two ways... the haves want the havenots to poison themselves, creating healthcare jobs , insurance needs, etc.


    Survival of the Fittest. You have to make the choice that food is for energy and health and not to feed yourself full of toxins and c**p. Ultimately if you gave up junk you would be spending less on food and would be able to afford healthy foods that would fill you up and allow you to have better health... but this answer takes work on behalf of the person and they have to choose to do better for themselves... and that is simply not the nature of the beast so then we are back to survival of the fittest and the rich people wanting you to poison yourself.

  3. The quality, service, and ingredients are better with healthier food.

    Would you pay more for a 5 star restaurant? Or a McDonalds?

    Healthier food is fresh, you'll never find anything fresh in a fast food place (except sandwich places like quiznos and subway)

  4. The reason it is cheap is because they don't use like lets say only meat they use other thing that include chemicals so that the food is adicting, healthy food is not really expensive, it just may seem like that what you could do to seel is that for a week straight buy food in fast food places for evey mean and keep it written down how much you have spent, them for another week go to a super market and buy stuff to make food at how and also keep the budget now you will see that fast food is more expensive in the long run.

  5. It's a question of priorities.  Fast food is meant to be cheap so they get the cheapest foods and make it either with the least amount of labor or ther quickest.  

    Health food's priority is to be healthy and better than average quality.  Many of the people who want healthy food have enough cash to pay more, even if in some cases it isn't that much more.

  6. youll have to tell us which healthy food you mean. ground meat costs less than salmon. if thats what youre wondering.

  7. Actually, no one has really addressed the real reason in the previous answers. It has to do with supply and demand more than anything. Fast food is extremely popular (despite what the media tries to portray) and is generally made from the cheapest ingredients. This is not to say they aren't fresh-many fast-food chains strive to make their food fresh-it is just that corporations like McDonald's make money on volume. If you believe the hype that Subway or Quizno's are healthier or fresher, try looking at their nutritional analysis chart. As far as fresh-it is no better or worse than other fast-food restaurants. Add to the fact that their meats are heavily processed, and you'll begin to question the "healthiness" of foods from these establishments.

    So-called "healthy foods" are in fact not in demand like fast-food. In order to make a reasonable profit, the profit margin must be higher due to the lower volume of sales. Additionally, people are willing to pay more for these type of foods, justifying the higher price with the belief that they are doing something good for themselves.

    If you choose to eat foods that are healthier for you, follow the suggestion of a previous post-eat at home. You'll find that home prepared foods are cheapest. But remember to read the labels-not all "healthy" foods are necessarily healthy.

  8. because it pays to be in good health!

  9. Yes I agree its to expensive to eat healthy it just doesn't make sense, does it?

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