
Why Is Hanoi John Kerry Attacking Nam Vets Again?

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This miserable excuse for a veteran is on the attack again slandering a real war hero John McCain. Unlike Hanoi John McCain actually earned his Purple Hearts and the wounds still exist today. Kerry was never med evac'd for any of his little scratches.




  1. McCain had azz pimples that served longer in country than Kerrys 2 and a half months.

    Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division RVN 67-68

  2. Aren't you attacking a viet nam vet yourself right now?  and yes, according to his medical records, Kerry still has shrapnel in his leg today, in 2008.  I thank him for his service.

  3. There's a very simple explanation for Kerry's actions: he's a liberal.

  4. Hey Semper Fi Mullah

    He is still upset that after he got a Purple Heart for split-ends. He did not get another one for that day his socks didn't match.

    Ya'know at least Bush showed up drunk.  I don't consider those other 6 branches of the service, much more than Boy Scout Camps. So TexasNG, Navy Ski Boat patrol, it's all the same. No Guts No Glory

    General Kelly USMC (Ret) for President


    Look at all the thumbs down. Now go tell the story about the time you beat up a Marine.

    He was big and scary but I knew he wouldn't expect me to attack first.

  5. How anyone can watch his traitorous blathering in front of Congress and call him a hero is absolutely astounding. Anyone that calls a person that perpetuated the imprisonment and actual lengthening of the war due to the show of weakness (oh, sound familiar, cough, Iraq, cough) should have their freaking heads examined.

    He should've been tried and hung for treason.

  6. I hadn't heard about that but it does not surprise me.

  7. Kerry is a War Hero and has earned the right to speak out against unnecessary Military involvement.

    And, truthfully, Hanoi McCain is more appropriate since he is the only one of the two to spend time there.

  8. Simple, he's not.

    kerry is exercising his right to Freedom of Speech, something you hate and fear.

    Explain how mccain is a "hero" for being shot down, surrendering and being taken captive instead of fighting to the death or escaping like a REAL hero?

    While you're at it, why not elaborate on all of your military medals and honors? It's hilarious watching you screech about one year of alleged service in vietnam. Why are you never able to provide any information about the rest of the time you claim to have spent as a jarhead?

  9. You might want to actually read the truth about John McCain's fluffed up and padded war hero record:

    Pay close attention to where his fellow POWs state that McCain was never tortured, that he should have never gotten most of the metals he received and that he gave the North Viet Nam classified information in exchange for a softer ride.

    Pay close attention to John McCain's war record and how most of his fellow servicemen thought of his unqualified service as a pilot.

    Pay close attention to why many of his fellow servicemen know he's done pretty much exactly the same as John Kerry and puffed up his on exaggerated war record:,15202,...


    (My friend: Your Swift-Boat tactics are going to cause you major embarrassment this time around because people will know who the real "Hanoi John" is, who the real Hanoi John is coming from his fellow POWs. John McCain give classified information to the enemy. Are you really sure you want to go down that road? All it will do is backfire in your face.

  10. truth seeker:  Kerry served with the Fleet which is like serving off the coast of Virginia.  He was actually in country less than 3 months.  Just enough time to accumulate some self inflicted scratches to bolster his resume.

  11. Kerry is a disgrace to the Flag and uniform, he should move to Cuba and hide in shame...

  12. kerry has also insulted our soldiers in vietnam,

    Do them dem's really have to wonder why bush was elected "twice"

    also i predict mccain will win this time also, Democrats have have THREE tries at this and continually lose.

  13. How exactly was he slandering John McCain?  He was talking about McCain's political stance on the issues.  It is an election after all, isn't that what your supposed to do?  So by your logic, just because he was a POW in the vietnam war we're not supposed to question anything John McCain says or does...

    So much for freedom of speech there Sparky.

  14. John Kerry who? The guy is irrelevant. Reporting for duty! Ha!

  15. Jane Kerry is a democrat, nuff said.

  16. Because John Kerry is fighting to stay relevent in US politics.  He went so far as to float rumors that he was being considered as Obama's VP.  John Kerry wants to be President more than Hillary, so he will probably make a run in 2012.  He has to sink Hillary first.  Good Luck with that impossible feat.

  17. you should get the facts straight.

    Kerry was a true war hero. He served with honor for over a year in Vietnam.

    McCain was not in Vietnam more than 25 minutes before he surrendered to the enemy.  Kerry never surrendered.

    Puppet - that two and a half months was on Kerry's second tour of douty.

  18. Kerry can't help himself.  It's what is in his heart.

  19. strong words from a loser like Kerry.

  20. Are we back to the same talking points from 4 years ago?  They were bs then and they are bs now.

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