
Why Is Harry attracting such hate ?

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Prince Harry has so far to day been criticised and ridiculed for being born a Royal and for fighting as part of our armed forcies.

He has had the memory of his Mother dis-respected and the main perpatrators of all this (apart from being Australian) do so knowing he has no right of reply.

I think Harry has done well, and has showed courage and determination and can not understand why our Australian friend seems happy to continue to show such nasty dislike of him.

Still I guess they can always return to the land down under if they dis-like it here so much.




  1. It's been so unfair to Prince Harry having his location in Afghanistan revealed by the Yanks he was doing a great job by all accounts and was enjoying being one of the boys and then this happens to him he's not being given a fair chance to prove himself will this happen every time he goes off on duty he's criticised when he's pictured being tanked up to the eye ball's on booze like almost every other soldier but they don't get the criticism he does .The Americans should hang their heads in shame he was only doing a job he loved and now the UK Government are forced to bring him home

  2. I have no idea.

  3. Jealousy from losers with no lives, probably.

  4. I agree with you for a change!  Leave our Harry alone!!!

    I wonder if, due to his absolute loathing of the media (understandable) if he will marry Chelsy and move to Africa.  I suspect he won't want to stay in the UK - he prefers to be out of the limelight and he doesn't owe us anything.

  5. I can see two ways here

    1) That Harry is in Army and should be able to work on front line. Why the h**l not???? Our lads have to do so. More importantly he WANTS to work on front line. I know Diana would be so proud.


    2) He could be putting lives of other men at risk simply because of who he is so he may be a main target.

    As for the person taking the p ss out of his hair colour??? GROW THE h**l UP!!!!!

  6. he wasnt supposed to go out there because he`s part of the royal family. imagine the turmoil if he was captured, or if he was killed.


  8. I dont think people really do know much about the Royal family.Look at the quiz shows where an English woman is asked who was the King during the second world war.I have known this as a fact since I was about 5. To my amazement she said she was not sure about this tough one,but she would go for George the 3rd (the mad King) I hope you have a good laugh at this Ha Ha

  9. I've always had nothing but the utmost respect for Princess Diana and her sons.  It's sad that someone would attempt to mar the deceased princess' memory or reputation, either through her sons or otherwise.

  10. Because he's a ginger minger.

  11. Maybe it has something to do with people's dislike of the word 'privileged'.   In this day and age there should not be people in 'privileged', safe, cosy  positions, exposed to less danger when others are forced to risk their lives and  fight a war which might not really be OUR war.  If I had a son or daughter of 18 to 24 yrs old who had given his her life in those places and now see Harry being brought home... I know I would not be happy either.  In fact I thin I would taste hate in my mouth.

    Hundreds of very young people, from 'ordinary' families have died in that war so, by bringing him home we are i effect saying that Harry is more important to us all than each of the kids that died so far in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  12. i think it's nice that at last he is doing something grown up and not just p!ssing his life up a wall, tad annoying tho' all the column inches the media are dedicating to it. i think it was about 6 pages in the sun today, i mean what more do we need to know than he has gone, fought and come back, they don't dedicate this much space to the other soldiers and you just know the media will dine out on this one for at least another week.

    very commendable act by the young man, but it's time for the press to leave it alone and get on with the job of reporting news. x*x

  13. I admit I am not a great supporter of the Royal family but I do admire Prince Harry for joining his fellow soldiers on the front line in Afghanistan. He deserves our thanks, like his comrades, for serving in a war that is bloody and unreasonable. If he wants to stay there I wish him well and hope that he comes through unscathed. However, I can understand the military's decision to return him home because of the overall risk to him and his comrades. He has shown great guts.

  14. Thunbs up for Harry, he came over as a decent bloke last night on TV. Stuff the convicts and any other colonials. They know who they are!

    There are anti-monachists in Australia who don't realise it's not about being a prince, its about being a squaddie. Have they forgotten how many from Oz died in the Bali bombs?

  15. Envy from losers, the world is full of it

  16. Y dont u ask him

  17. Inadequate bullies are being disrespectful to Harry. Just try to ignore them.

    Aussies are bitter with us , for forcing them to live on a massive island in the middle of nowhere, that is full of poisonous snakes and insects. Aww.. diddums.

  18. both princes have shown the world the true qualities their beloved mother instilled in their hearts, they are a living tribute to her love of people from all walks of life, men are jealous of the fact that these boys are doers and not like the likes of them, why are they not out on the field of battle instead of simply quoting themselves on yahoo let them be real men  get a job or join up

    ladies who dis the princes are jealous because they may want them and don't have a cat in h***s chance,,,,,,,,

  19. It's easy to target someone to ridicule. It reminds me of the school bullies who thought they were really it.

  20. I think he is being treated unfairly. All he wants is to be treated like anyone else. He didn't want all the publicity of being out in Iraq, and is now being sent home because it has leaked out that he is there. that is the fault of the media not him.

    He doesn't want to come home but would rather stay and fight. below is what he said when he knew he was getting sent back to England......

    I don't want to sit around in Windsor," he said, referring to his barracks near a royal residence outside London in a pooled interview in Afghanistan last week, released after the blackout on his whereabouts was broken.

    "But I generally don't like England that much and, you know, it's nice to be away from all the press and the papers and all the general shite that they write."

    All this boy has wanted is to be normal. he has gone out drinking with his mates and got what? did many of our sons.

    He dressed up for a fancy dress party how many of our sons made a fool of themselves as teens. it is just that our sons aren't in the spotlight.

    i am not a royalist, in fact a cant stand the queen or charles etc., but i feel sorry for the two princes who lost a mother who wanted to bring them up normally but the public wont let them.

    he gets drunk....he's slated for it

    he goes to war...he's slated for it.

    seems like the poor boy can't do right for doing wrong!

    leave him alone and let him get on with his life the way he wants to, not the way we think he should be. He didn't ask to get born into royalty

  21. it's the form for this category, spite and hatred.  if you don't participate sooner or later you become the latest casualty.  I think Harry is a remarkable young man, who was doing the job he trained for and sadly has not been able to complete it.  I hope he can find fulfillment in his career somehow

  22. I think the fact that he was willing and eager to risk his life on the front line for his country, even though he had to do it in secret, says a great deal for him and I have nothing but respect for Harry and nothing but contempt for the whingeing aussies who put him down.

  23. I can't say that I like Harry's boozy antics but I think a lot of it was down to frustration and being able to be a 'proper' soldier.

    He can't seem to do right.  He has spent 10 weeks in Afghanistan and would have spent more time there had he not be outed by an American website.  Now, some people are even saying he was never in Afghanistan and it's all some sort of PR scam.

    Perhaps it's time we recognised the truth when we see it and stop making a half baked conspiracy theory out of everything.

  24. At least the guy isn't hiding behind privilege like so many other royals have done in the past.

  25. Because he's an arrogant ginger tw*t who gets his kicks shooting rare birds (then hasnt the courage to admit to it) and has no real life achievement other than the (Germanic) blood he was born with.

    Front line! Yeah righto. To all our real boys out there:

    If you wanna survive find the ginger princeling and stand next to him!!

  26. I for one am very proud of him, he may be privileged but he has shown himself to be a thoroughly decent young man I really don't know what more can be expected of him, prehaps those that criticise him would like him to be more like this bunch of wasters

    Then they could really have a go at him.

  27. Well, he is an over-privileged dilettante, but I do have some sympathy - he can't do anything right, what ever he does throughout his life he will have some people decrying it.

    One comment of his struck me as very poignant 'This is about as normal as I'll ever get'

    He was referring to living in a dugout, on a camp bed with basic rations.  That is rather sad, isn't it?

  28. It's not true at all; Prince Harry is not hated. On the contrary. He is much admired and respected for his role in Afghanistan. You should read the comments posted by readers of The Times; a majority of which are pro-Harry. Of course there will always be cynics who invariably find faults in everything.

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