
Why Is It Rude To Talk On Your Cell At A Register???

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I work at Walgreens and at Best Buy and a lot of people feel it it rude to talk on the phone (or listen and talk very little) at the register. I really don't get it. how is it proper and who says it is. I mean I can see if i'm talking about someone I just had s*x with or of that nature, but if i'm just having a simple chat with a friend or family member I would get off the phone. I can understand when I check people out at Best Buy because people generally spend more money there but at a convience store like Walgreens? I'm lost!




  1. All I read was s*x at Walgreens....

  2. It's not the nature of the conversation-it's the fact that you are trying to do two things at once and few people can manage that efficiently. Therefore, it makes the cashiers job harder and delays anyone else waiting behind you.

  3. When you are being paid to serve customers, you are not being paid to talk on your cell phone.  How can you talk to your customer?  How can you focus on doing your job?  You can't.   It is not only a reflection of you, but also of your employer that you don't care enough about your job to hang up the phone.   It's terribly rude and disrepectful to your employer and your customer.  

  4. It's rude because if something goes wrong with the transaction or if it doesn't go at the cell phone talkers speed they will start yelling at you and acting like you're an idiot because you're interrupting their very important phone conversation.

    I used to work at Wal-Mart (for 4 months before quitting) and cell phone talkers are the worse.

  5. These people saying it's rude are a bunch of k***s.

    If I'm on the phone, that's my business.  If I want to pay for a service, that's my business.  If you're providing the service, then STFU and provide the fricken service.

    If I just had s*x and was talking on the phone to the guy, that's my business.  STFU and get me my f'ing burger.

  6. It's rude because you pretty much are saying that the person serving you doesn't exist.  They are people and deserve the respect of your attention while they check you out.  Personally, I am sick of seeing every other person I pass by on the street, on the DC metro, in the restaurant (now that is DEFINITELY rude), etc gabbing on the phone.  If you are asking someone to do a service for you, the least you can do is pay attention to them.

  7. It just IS.  You're subjecting others to your bad personal habits.  Why is it rude to belch in public?  You're not hurting anyone.  It doesn't smell.  Well, for most of us anyway.  Do you reach down into the front of your pants and scratch in public?  I sure hope you don't ... if you have to scratch then you either find a private place or do it discreetly on the outside of your clothing.  Why don't you chew with your mouth open in resturants?  Why even use utensils, it's so much easier to get that soup out of the bowl if you just bring the whole thing up to your mouth.  You can eat green beans and mashed potatoes with your fingers, right?

    It's just good manners, that's all.

  8. i think it is rude... i HATEEEEE taking peoples orders at my job when they are talking on a cell phone.. i work at a fast food restaurant and some people do it and i find it annoying because they ignore and have conversations in front of your face wasting time while others are in line waiting. i find it very very rude and disrespectful to do that.

  9. Hold on a second....talking on my phone...........

  10. It is rude because the cashier may have to ask you a question during the transaction.  There are also things they may be required to say to you.  If you are on your cell phone they cannot complete their job.

    Besides, if you are on your cell phone how are you saying please and thank you to the cashier?

  11. It is rude, because you're supposed to be on the job and show respect to the customer...

    Wait until break before you talk.

  12. I presume you are taking about customers you are serving on the phone.

    I beleive that if you are serving me you deserve my attention as well. Fact is how many phone calls do you get that wouldn't have mattered if you rang them back in 5 mins. You as a person deserve to be treated as a person.

  13. I don't sweat cell phone talkers.  I just don't help them if I pass them.  If they come to the register, I just ring them out and don't say anything.

    I don't care and they don't seem to either.  It's a win win situation.  Plus, quite frankly, I don't want to talk to customers anyway.  I'm kind of anti-social like that.  So when they're on their phone, saves me from having to make chit chat about b.s. or offer to help them.

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