
Why Is Local Government here in Los Angeles so scared of Tackling our Horrible Gang Problem?

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They estimate that there are 80,000 gang members here in Los Angeles and its getting worse and it seems like our local Goverment is running scared , all they care about is getting rid of plastic bags , cell phone hands free laws , raising our sales and property taxes , they want to punish the every day law abiding person but let the Criminals have their way , what the h**l is going on here in Los Angeles , it is so frustrating




  1. Thats cuz the New York Mafia got them by the neck, they make money from the smaller gangs, and make sure that those gangs stay intact, they will pay cash just so the city can ignore the gangs problem

  2. There is profit in controlled chaos.  Gang activity effects predictable sectors of society.  Economic and social impact of gang activity entraps and enslaves from the bottom of society up.  Elite at the top of the economic and social order are insulated and segregated from the impact of the negative economics of gangs.

    When the elite are threatened by gangs government, law enforcement, and the military will make short work of all gang related activity.  

    "We The People" are too tolerant of the governmental duplicity which contains gang criminal element in lower income neighborhoods while protecting more affluent neighborhoods from the impact of gang activity.

  3. When your police get video taped and shown on every news show eventually they become less aggressive towards crime so as not to be involved in anything that might get them in trouble.

    Unfortunately, there are more people out there trying to find and document police misconduct then people supporting them and telling them what a great job they do.

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