
Why Is My Blood Pressure?

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Why is my blood pressure bad?

Okay, my average is a diastolic of 130-165 and a systolic of 90- 110.

I'm only 12,

I'm 5'5 and 122 pounds [not overweight]

and the only person in my family who has heart problems is my father, who is 65 [and his blood pressure is perfect!].

Please help!!!




  1. where did you get your blood pressure checked? everyone is right the some ppl will have higher pressure when they go to the doctor, but dont use any store machines, those things have been known to give false readings and actually cause physical damage. good luck

  2. Your systolic should be the higher one and the diastolic lower.

    like 130/90.  Was you blood pressure taken at the doctors?  Maybe you need a child's blood pressure cuff.  I know they make 2 adult sizes.  And they make a child size one.

    There are a lot of things that could cause your blood pressure to be high.  

    Certain medical problems, such as chronic kidney disease, thyroid disease, and sleep apnea, may cause blood pressure to rise. Certain medicines, such as asthma medicines (for example, corticosteroids) and cold-relief products, also may raise blood pressure.

    You should get checked by your doctor to find out what it could be.  Better to get checked and find the reason for your high blood pressure.  Then maybe you can correct the reason for the high blood pressure and it will go down.

  3. I'm gonna guess that youve got your diastolic and systolic the wrong way around. If you've had your blood pressure done at the docs, then you could have whats called white coat syndrome, where the blood pressure raises significantly in the presense of a doc!

    For example, when i have my blood pressure taken at the docs its like 158/90. But when im at home chilled out its 117/74. Generally speaking i don't like the doctors, i would test your blood pressure out at home, see if its a lot less. Also if you get anxious about it everytime you do your blood pressure (if you have your own monitor) then that will just put your blood pressure up anyway.

    If you haven't seen a doc, go see one.

  4. It could be "white-coat-syndrom" when you are nervous at the Docs...otherwise if your BP keeps reading high you will need a thorough checkup by a Cardio to determine the cause.  An echo is a very good idea too.

  5. You could be nervous, thyroid and sodium misfunctions, or MAYBE some cardiac problems..

    I'm 15, not overweight either and mines has been 151/86..

  6. Are you nervous when you go to the doctor?  That can cause your blood pressure to be higher than normal.  Next time you're at the drug store and you see one of the machines try it there to see if that's normal for you or if it was just the stress of being at the doctor.

    Otherwise, the best way to keep it down is to eat healthy: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, avoid salt, and to exercise.

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