
Why Is My Guinea Pig So Nervous?

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I got a Guinea pig a few weeks back and she is just so nervous all the time. She screams and screeches and I know it's time to feed her, but she confuses me so much. When I open her cage she sometimes runs away and hides and then when I leave her alone she comes to the door and screams for me to come back. I have tried talking to her, letting her sit on my stomach while I rub her, cuddling her and being gentle with her. Her eating habits are strange too. Sometimes all she will eat is lettuce and tomatoes and then she gets fed up of them so I have to feed her sweetcorn and other safe list veggies. I like to make her up a salad plate and she likes it sometimes and hates it at other times. I also give her hay and fresh clean grass to chew on. All I want is for her to trust me and be happy living with me. I have shouted at her before so maybe that's what's whats with her. Will she settle down? I'd like to get her a friend but I just don't have the space or the money to feed and look after two. Any advice would be great.




  1. Wow, sound's like a guinea pig!

    If you keep the same routine she will learn it.

    Mine respond with that loud calling squeaking as yours they do it to a specific bunch of things all things associated with food, opening the back door, entering the room, opening the fridge, lettuce, picking grass, rustling plastic bags and shredding newspaper(sounds like grass) all things that may lead to grass or veg.

    The more you handle her the more comfortable she will become with you.

    It is in there nature to hide so she is learning to not follow her natural instincts which is ‘you big thing me hide’. Don’t stress she will learn. If they are being extra cautious they might not come out for a while to eat.

    I'll bet she never hates plain grass though, does she?

    You never mentioned water she does have water, right? Some people seem to think they don't need it, they do. Shade from the sun, shelter from the cold, clean and dry.

    She sound’s like a healthy guinea pig to me, just adjusting. If it worries you too much go to a vet.

  2. Let her be comfortable. When she doesn't eat just leave some food in there for her. Try to avoid shouting though. She has only been with you for a couple of weeks so just let her eat what she wants and make her feel at home.

  3. I've got a guinea pig, and he's still nervous after 3 years of being at my house. He runs away from me sometimes when i go to see him in his cage. But when he screeches that's telling me its time for his food, they make a little whistling noise / screeching. If this is happening its normal.

    The fact your feeding it lettuce may have an affect on its eating habits, as lettuce is bad for guinea pigs. My sisters died when she had no idea that it wasnt healthy for them. just warning you.

    Yeah the shouting wouldnt have helped, I say that shes just nervous of you yelling at her but she wants attention. I find that if you get my piggy out, tickle him under the tummy and put him under a tea cloth he calms down, and runs around. Its cute. Try that and hope it works :)


  4. Don't worry to much since you said you got her/him not to long ago it take Guinea Pigs A while to get used to were they are I know cause I had one. Almost same habits there very weird creatures but try to

    understand how you would feel if you were in there boots a new habitat new friends anyway just keep handling her or him and talk to him/her allot and the food habits don't worry to much about that cause there pickey eaters but if he/she seems to eat less and less advise him/her to a vet but I think it would just be that he/she is a pickey eater  like mine was hehe

    hope this helps some how :)

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