
Why Is My Sony Trinitron 42' Flicker When I Connect The The HD Cable, Its Like A Electric Flicker With A Sound

by Guest32803  |  earlier

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Why Is My Sony Trinitron 42' Flicker When I Connect The The HD Cable, Its Like A Electric Flicker With A Sound




  1. because it starts out with no signal at all.  it is looking for a signal, and has the gain turned way up to find the slightest tiny signal that it might be able to receive.  and then all of a sudden you connect a very very strong cable tv signal to the antenna in port, and the TV yells OUCH! and quickly turns down the gain.

    You won't wreck anything, but like the other guy said, just do the antenna connections when the tv is off and you won't have to hear the TV yell OUCH.

  2. Dont connect it when the tv is on. May cause a short.

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