
Why Is My Teeth Still Brownish-Yellow???

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I am 14 years old and my teeth are brownish yellow!. I brush after every meal and before I go to bed. I floss 2xs a day. I eat fruits and veggies because I am a vegetarian. And I go to regular dentist appointments. But my teeth are still brownish-yellow. Can it be my genes because my mom and dad both have beautiful white teeth or the tooth-paste I am using(I use crest whitening plus scope and that colgate night toothpaste plus baking soda). My dentist said I have no diseases and my teeth are healthy except for the color. Please help me out.




  1. This happens when a person is given the antibiotic tetracycline as a child. It has been found that this cannot be given to children who have yet to cut their permanent teeth. This is a permanent stain and cannot be whitened. The tooth is stained all the way through. This happened to me. When the Periodontist was removing my teeth and placing my dental implants he also noticed that even my bones are orange from this medication.

    Your only hope will be someday to get porcelain veneers.

    See this link

  2. I can't tell you more than your dentist. if the colour bothers you buy a whitening kit and bleach your teeth.

  3. if you were on antibiotics as a young child then thats what is causing the color.. they've been stained

  4. if you had antibiotics called Tetracycline when you were younger then that could be it

  5. Hello,

    Try Crest White Strips.. I use them and it takes about 7 days to see a difference. I asked my dentist if there was anyway the Crest Strips could take the enamel off my teeth. He said no that was a rumor. The strip have peroxide on them and it soaks into the pores of the teeth, which makes your teeth white.

  6. Cofee would do it. If you do cut down on the coffe then the yellow should go away a little bit. And make sure you floss because the plaque would make your teeth yellow too. Find a cheap place to get your teeth whitened. I'm not sure how much it is but from how you said it you really really want white teeth.

  7. not everyone has pearly whites like they stress on tv.

    the natural color is more of a yellow although my sweetie's teeth are naturally pearly white which pisses me off because mine aren't!

    unless they really dominate you life live with 'em.  

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