
Why Is NASA "NOT" Continuing It's Earlier Plans For A Next Generation Space Shuttle?

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Why did NASA abandon it's program for a new Space Shuttle and go with this Ares 1 rocket idea? I thought a reusable craft was much cheaper in the long run than rockets and capsules that had to be replaced a lot.

Also I read in the news recently that a bunch of NASA rocket scientists that were developing the Ares 1 said that they came up with a better and "Cheaper" design, and that NASA and Government officials said no to it.

Does that mean NASA people are lining they're pockets with money from the more expensive rocket, or it they're a more legitimate reason behind this?

If you are more informed on these issues than I am, please answer my 3 questions. If you are not , please don't bother with your opinions. I am looking for facts here.

1Why are they not going with a New Shuttle that is reusuable?

2Why are they going with Ares 1 instead of a cheaper rocket that other NASA scientists made?

3 Are NASA people corrupt now?




  1. no money

  2. Would you want to go into space in a used rocket?

  3. I know huh?I'm going to have to say they're getting corrupt.It's just ridiculous now.Why have the old shuttles?It's just inefficient.Space is our new home not this planet.

  4. The orginal proposed design involved a completely reusable two stage system. It had a delivery system that would take off like an aircraft with the shuttle on its back. When it reached 100,000 feet, there would be shuttle separation. This concept was considered too expensive, and the Senate committee decided to go with the Rockwell design.

    That was before massive cost overruns and the many troubles with the tile shields. Not to mention, the two disasterous accidents.

    Despite the lessons learned, congress doesn't want to fund any kind of "shuttle" system. Thus, if NASA wants to have any manned space capability, they must use technology which is considered "proven". Large rockets are just that in the opinion of the short-sighted and tight-fisted Senate oversite committee.

    NASA is like any other agency. They want to stay in business and keep their jobs at any cost. Is this corrupt? Perhaps. Frankly, if they are not going to do it right then they should not exist at all.

  5. If it weren't for (expletive deleted) NASA we'd have been on Mars by now.

    Its long past due time that space was opened up to commercial enterprise.

  6. Cheaper is better. Evidently, it's much safer for those riding on the rocket as well. NASA has always been corrupt just like the rest of the bureaucracies. Innovation comes from private enterprise, not government. Wilbur and Orville wright, and Dr Goddard were not government employees. If they had been, man would not have flown yet.

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