
Why Is Obama Still using Racial Issues just before Tuesday? IS HE That Desparate??

by  |  earlier

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Cant He let this go, its Ok for him to talk this talk, but if anyone else brings up this issue in any form, then they are terrible? PLEASE, This guy is getting more scaring the more i get to know about him. I will Vote NOT with Oboma Anyomore!!




  1. How many times are you going to ask the same question???

  2. ok billiary we get your point -- my vote will off set yours!!!

  3. Do you have a link?

    I didn't think so.

  4. i agree with you and i live in England its alright for him to play the race card but any one else is being racist.i don't know a thing about us politics but it sounds about as fair and honest as british politics

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