
Why Is Suicide thought of as a Cowardly act??

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Forget religion.

Suicide can be compltley rational. It takes bravery to face death. If all avenues of life are closed to me it seems a good option. WHy does it have such a bad rep?

If it about family distress, shouldn't they have done more to help them?




  1. I think that saying suicide is cowardly is too broad a statement.  Most people have to be at a pretty low point to consider death as a better option.  When at that point, you don't just think, but you are certain, that nothing will change or ever get better.  You may honestly believe the the world, your family, and your friends are better off without you.  You are beyond rational thinking - the pain is too great, and not everyone can push past that.  I'm not saying suicide should be an option, only that I do understand where they are coming from.

    Now, if you kill yourself to avoid going to prison or some other consequence you brought upon yourself, I'm more likely to agree with the cowardly assessment.

  2. Think of it this way. There are two people who are equally depressed. One takes the easy way out and just commits suicide, the other one takes it as a challenge and tries to beat the depression.

    Who is the courageous one?

  3. It's taking too much of an easy way out I guess. Perhaps some figure going through hours of Therapy, speaking openly about your feelings, letting complete strangers inside your world of darkness might be too much stress for that person to handle, so they go with suicide instead. That way it's just done and over with, nothing more to say or do.

  4. It is seen as an easy way out, and as a completely selfish act.  When my cousin committed suicide there were many different reactions, but most of them centered around her not caring about anyone but herself, and that she just wanted out and it didn't matter to her what affect it had on anyone.  

    I agree with you, except for one part.  All avenues of life are never closed off to anyone.  There is always a choice.  Good or bad, there is free will, and with that comes choice.

  5. It is thought as a cowardly act because people can not put up with real life so they think killing themselves will make everything better and won't try to fix their problems. They don't want to face it (life).

  6. it is a cowardly act because you refuse to face reality and just resort to suicide as the most convenient way to evade it all. those people who are afraid to face the pressures of life are called COWARDS.

  7. "It takes bravery to face death." But it takes cowardice to take your own life before using your guts . . . to deal with your problems.

  8. It takes far less courage to face death than it does to face the life ahead of you.  Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  Running away from the problem is never couragous, it is the ultimate act of cowardice. Not to mention illegal

  9. It is running away from your problems.There are people in the world who have a few problems and they kill themselves but there are people who have it worse and they dont kill themselves because they are brave enough to face there problems.

  10. There are very good existential reason why a society should not encourage suicide, labelling it as cowardly is just one way of discouraging it.

  11. Most times families are left without an answer.  It is punishing the ones that love you the most and more so can see a future for you.  I lost my mum through illness and that was devastating enough!

  12. A good option like any other! The problem is that you can turn back on that option. The other problem is that normally people fail and  have serious helt problems, so they get worse then they were before.

  13. Some people just can't be helped.  To take one's life is a cowardly act because it leaves the loved ones behind with questions and more often than not a lot of anger.  It takes a lot more guts to face the problems in your life and deal with them.  Suicide is a selfish and gutless act.  Believe me, I know, I have a step daughter and step son whose mother killed herself recently (February) - she had always had problems and their father, when he was married to her (who I'm now with) tried to help her - resulting in him having a nerbous breakdown and the children were receiving counselling in their teens.  They are now in their 20's and have tried to be there for their mum but it was affecting their lives and their relationships - Long story short... Their mother decided to kill herself after at least 20 half hearted attempts over the years - which was a cry for help - and she received all the help anyone could have given, professionally as well.  She finally managed to do it - on Valentines day and 3 days before my step daughters birthday.  Can you imagine the hurt that the 2 kids felt, the anger as well.  They are in bits and my step daughter especially is now taking anti depressants.  Now ask the question again??  She's gone and out of it - but she's left all of us, especially her kids, to pick up the pieces and to wonder why.  They didn't even have the chance to say goodbye and there was no note to explain.  Selfish - utterly selfish.

  14. because it's an easy way out of a complicated situation, and life is full of complications, suicide is just a cop out!!!! it takes bravery to face those complications, and overcome them, there are NO avenues in life that are closed to you, unless your too lazy to get off your *ss, and help yourself.

    doors open when you turn the handle.

  15. suicide shows that the person who does it , does not try to have a better life! it also means that person has not figured out the meaning of life and why they live in this world!

    Harming one's self will not get anyone to anywhere!

  16. It is thought of as a cowardly act because you can think of it as giving in to whatever made you want to take your life. It's considered giving up.

    And no suicide is not rational. There is no way all avenues of life are closed. Give me one reasonable hypothetical situation in which that is true.

    There are always options, there is always another chance in life, unless you kill yourself.

  17. That's true. People just say it's cowardly because they don't have the balls to do it themselves.

  18. Because people usually commit suicide because of a problem they feel that they cannot fix, or they hate their life. So instead of sorting their life out, they take the easy way out and kill themselves.

  19. Suicide is the easy way out because it offers an instantaneous and selfish solution. It takes A LOT to keep living, keep waking up every day and still manage to face LIFE. Life is a gift whether you believe it comes from evolution or something else.

    Also, in suicide an individual is solely focused on their own suffering, and does not consider that their are other people with the very same problems in life. Their are people all throughout the world who are starving, being abused or born with a handicap and yet they persist and face life with a courage and dignity. The course of bravery is to keep living as long as you can my friend. Live life to the very end.

  20. being a coward is lacking courage. people say its the cowards way because they don't have the courage to face their problems but would rather give up.  They don't think of its affects on the family and friends left behind.  Maybe you have problems, but that doesn't mean your family/friends don't love you.  If you think they don't care because they don't help, you have to think about what kind of help are you or did you ask for that they refused you.  sometimes your answer in right in front of you, but because of being self absorbed you miss it.

  21. Suicide might take balls to do but then your running away from ur problems. Its so cowardly because u are so stupid tht u cant face ur problems and decide to run away frm it by killin urself.

    10% brave 90%stupid and cowardly.

    Lol jus givin my opinion ^^.

  22. People say it's cowardly because it's an easy way out.  OK, I"m not saying that taking your life is an easy thing but that it isn't as hard as facing the problems that drove you there.

    I don't think it's a good option because it's a final one.  Once it's done, it's done.  It's not like a bad haircut that will grow out.  Dead is dead.

    If you're contemplating it or know someone who is then go and speak with a professional - counselor, clergyman, whoever - but someone that doesn't have a vested interest in your life.  They seem to see things differently than you since they aren't in your shoes.

    If it's you, then please go talk to someone.  If it's someone you know then please ask them to talk to someone.

  23. Suicide is the most cowardly act that a human is capable of preforming because it is an easy way out. It is not brave to quit on life. As long as life exists, there is hope and change. It may be change for the better or the worse, but in death there is no hope of things getting better. Life is an adventure that is what makes it so great.

  24. they don't understand, coz they have never gotten to such a low point in their lives.

  25. Well, it is much easier to go away then to face your problem. All avenues in life will never be closed to you. There will always be hope. It takes courage to look at a seemingly hopeless situation, accept it maturely, then go on living. To live is a challenge, an adventure, and it is hard. Suicide is running away from the biggest pain of Yet life can be beautiful, filled with depends on how you look at it. As for family distress, nobody is perfect. They should have done something...but didn't. One must be mature to accept, and love, despite the pain. It takes courage NOT to give up, even if it seems that we are useless and there is nothing we can do. :) Hope that helps, my friend

  26. one of the biggest problems with suicide is that people are left behind blaming themselves for not knowing this person would actually be so weak as to kill themselves. killing yourself is a weak persons way out of having to live and deal with life and its ups and downs. misery is but a stage or phase one goes through. if the misery becomes depression, then medication is the answer. it is not fair to leave others behind to feel guilty for one killing themselves. all things we endure are only temporary. it takes a strong person to survive in this difficult world.

  27. I would say most suicide is cowardly. Depends on why you are doing it. Because suicide is giving up, thowing in the towel when things get really rough. Instead of facing your problems.

    But if I were to commit suicide it would be out of pure apathy.

    Maybe they should have, but suicide because of family distress is not excusable because there are always other options. You can definatly run away change your name, just say s***w you all and leave. Now if your a father, or a husband than you do have a responsibility, but how is killing yourself better than leaving? If your a father, and your wife is the problem then I would say take the kid(s). But if its problems with other family members PFFT, just leave, don't talk to them. I have had so many dreams about just taking off to Washington and never coming back, never telling anyone where I was going, thats way better than killing yourself, to me anyhow

  28. i dont hink its cowardly, i think you do it when you think there's no other option, mostly feel trapped inside and theres nothing left. When your overwhelmed by the feeling of despair and have no hope then what else can you do to escape from the crushing pain and hoplessness of living. Its a servere state of mind that makes you do servere things. Its not cowardly but it is traumatic for everyone even them involved.

  29. People who think it's cowardly are stupid and emotionless and obviously haven't been to the point where nothing can literally get better.

  30. Because your only thinking of yourself! Suicide is a costly solution to a temporary problem.

  31. I think the reason it can be thought of as cowardly, is that supposedly death is easier that staying and facing difficult problems. But, i wouldn't have the guts to kill myself - so in my case that'd take a lot of courage, lol.

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