
Why Is/Was Marilyn Manson angry at Gerard Way/MCR?

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A while ago I read this thing about Marilyn Manson being angry at Gerard Way/My Chemical Romance but I didn't really read on about why and I can't find it anywhere on the internet, do any of you guys know?




  1. He thinks mcr copied him.

  2. She was jealous that another Emo-ish band was better when she had been doing it longer so she had a fight like thing

    I am the #1 mcr FAN

    i AM THE #1 Marilyn Manson H8er

  3. basically marilyn manson said that MCR was ripping him off, Gerard in particular for stealing his makeup style.

    personally i think its marilyn trying to get some attention and not understanding that mcr are unique

  4. manson said that MCR/gerard "stole his look" by doing this: kind of makeup. they didnt use the look for that long, but manson still got upset. he also called frank a midget...


    that should help.


    by the way, s***w mcr, im with manson!

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