
Why Is World Wrestling Entertainment Upset With THQ?

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is it because how THQ takes Features out of the games that they have had in previous games.but yea i would be mad at THQ to & sign with Midway because THQ took out the Realistic Feature were when it says rope break he doesn't even grabs the ropes he just touches the ropes & ROPE Break pops up but in Smackdown vs RAW 2006 they crawled to the ropes & Touchd the ropes

THQ has done some crazy things they should have just Kept those Features in the game & they wouldn't get so many Complaints

But I hope SVR 09 have the Features Svr 06 had like realistic things like when they Grab the ropes & dont let go the ref says 1 2 3, 4 Ref rings the Bell & cause for DQ & after the match you could Do your finisher or Knock him out & attack the person you was beating up & EMT break it up

& i was revering to Kurt Angle when i kept saying cause dq because he wont let go so

what are your thoughts




  1. THQ sucks anyway. They have not made a great game in years (in any genre) Personally they need to go back to the No Mercy engine or at least The HCTP engine (they had the best gameplay out of all the WWE games)

  2. I don't understand....

  3. The world thinks that wwe is a good company cuado is the worse thing of the world

  4. I don't know, honestly.

    I can just look at the latest SmackDown vs. RAW games, and I can tell most of them are a lazy effort, and THQ/Yukes probably knows WWE games will sell by name alone. It also doesn't help that a lot of the THQ/Yukes wrestling games are actually Japanese wrestling games converted over with WWE personas and a few added features to differentiate the two.

    A lot of the features you mentioned, like the actual "rope break" animation, make the game more realistic, but they aren't that serious to mention.

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