
Why Is capitalism better then Socialism?

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Why is capitalism really better than socialism?

I’m asking this question as a purely educational sense. This is not propaganda.

The problems I see with capitalism is that it creates a false image that those with more money (capital) are better or more worth in this society. The problem with capitalism is that it ethically promotes greed because you can always gain more money and be better or more powerful. It creates so many falsenesses, that I don’t know how we morally can justify it.

I think the huge problem with socialism is that its image is completely destroyed by other countries politics like the USSR and there “communistic” regime. The problem is that most people (yes most unfortunately) is that they believe socialism is oppression and a dictatorship or some sort of totalitarian government. They believe that if you have it the government will false imprison you or legally hate you if you deviate from the norm (like homosexual activities). It also spreads the idea that freedoms




  1. I do not have the time, energy or resources to tell you why capitalism is better than socialism except for the lifespans of capitalistic governments vs socialistic ones...

  2. In a country where all goods and services are nationlized or owned by the government it is socialism.

    The aim of socialism is for use, rather than profit. In a socialist country, it would be impossible for you, or I, to own and operate our own business. You are dictated to by your government. Socialism believes in spreading the wealth, and assures it's people an equal amount of goods and services. Unfortuatly it does not work out that way. Think of it this way. How would you feel if you worked eight to ten hours a day, five days per week, and your neighbour next door does next to nothing and yet they are STILL entitled to an equal amount of goods and services?  You'd feel pretty upset, right?

    Capitilism promotes free enterprise, whereby if you want to open your own business you have that opportunity. By opening more business' and employing more people helps you make money, and helps to provide a living wage for your worker. If your worker suddenly up's and leaves you to start their own business they have the opportunity to do that. Of course in a capitalist society you can make it, or break it, and I'd rather be given that opportunity under capitalism to either "make it" or "break it" , than be under socialist government control where your opportunities to better yourself are very limited indeed.

  3. I have said this before and i firmly believe capitalism is better.

    Capitalism creates the best economy and allows for little interference from the gov't because it is practically self mending. One problem today is that people would rather collect from welfare rather than working hard for their money. I own a small lobstering business. I had one employee who worked extremely hard for 3 weeks. During the 4th week his family came over and asked why he was working so hard, and they were bragging (yes bragging) that they were doing nothing and still making money. They forced him to quit and receive money from the government. It is better to inspire people to work harder, rather than to have people rely on welfare.

    Basically here are my views on Capitalism and Socialism:

    Capitalism = People who work hard are rewarded. Opportunities for all, the sky is the limit. Probably the one modern economic system that is successful. It provides competition, which leads to bigger and better products and technologies that make life easier and more manageable. The market is decided by the consumer.

    Socialism = In socialistic society the government determines who produces what and how much. This doesn’t work. In a socialistic society there is no incentive to work or produce. Ultimately all socialistic systems have failed. There are a few in Europe that are still struggling, but their economies are falling behind. Eventually because of the failing businesses all of the government benefits will not have the quality as the programs run in the private sector.

    The drive to succeed as an individual is the strongest motivating factor a human being can feel. The fact that individuals are driven to succeed is in all our interests.

    Here is a quote explaining the fact that the market is decided by the consumer, "In capitalism, the market determines price, including pay - the price of labour. If some people are paid huge sums, that is because other people believe they have unique talents which are worth paying for. If they fail to perform, then they will stop being rewarded so highly. This is all part of a dynamic capitalist system which values individuality and rewards ability and risk-taking."


    Capitalism- ruled by the individual

    Socialism- ruled by the state

  4. Get rich quick schemes in the capitalist business world, (buyouts, IPOs, conglomerates, acquisitions, mergers, and the stock market), do not actually work. Remaining solvent does not actually exist within false economics capitalism.

    Profit existing in the capitalist business world, or millionaires existing within capitalism, is pathological deception committed by the 21 organizations spying on the population with plain clothes agents, (with covert fake names and fake backgrounds).

    Actual economics is the persons that are paying the business loans of companies voting at work in order to control the property they are paying for.

    Capitalism is the psychology of imaginary parents, false economics, and the criminal deception of employees that are paying the bills (including the stocks and bonds, or shares) of companies.

    Anti-Democracy republicanism is the psychology of imaginary parents, and false government.

  5. way too long!

    socialism doesn't work - capitalism fosters efficiency and drives innovation.

  6. The basic maxim of socialism is "oppression first." People may be politically free to do what they want in a social environment (like in Sweden or Norway), but in reality they are forced by the state to submit to its will. Innovation is stalled or at times controlled by the state, as are basic economic freedoms. At the same time social mobility becomes a wolf in sheep's clothing. Instead of people making more money and therefor moving up the social ladder, they're essentially stuck in a position where they are under the care of the government. At the same time, where the poor are doomed to the soup kitchens of the welfare state, the rich are heavily taxed for the sake of equality. When the rich are losing a significant amount of their income to taxes, they are naturally not as rich or no longer rich. In this you get no driving force in an economy.

    Capitalism is by no means perfect. Unregulated capitalism generally leads to another form of oppression but not from the government. Basic government restrictions like anti-monopoly legislation to prevent a concentration of wealth allows for people to flourish. Innovation occurs because there is an incentive to innovate: MONEY!!! Greed may become an offshoot because of it, its only natural that money gets to people's head. Capitalism rewards people for doing well in life, social mobility becomes a reality. It isn't the rosy picture of a penniless man becoming a billionaire, but people can prop themselves up and lead a better life.

  7. In capitalism, you have the freedom to choose your own path in life. Your life is what you make of it.  It generates motivation in people to strive to succeed.

    In socialism, it's essentially assigned to you. Someone else is dictating your quality of life and your own decisions and your own efforts have little to no impact.   Such a situation wouldn't really get me motivated beyond doing the bare minimum to get by, since there's no benefit to putting any more effort into it.

    Socialism is like being given fish for your meals whereas Capitalism is more like being taught how to fish.

  8. Capitalism is better. The reason is that people are rewarded (or not) for their own work. Capitalism rewards the most productive members of society. It also motivates people to work harder. In a socialist society there is much less work ethic... I show up, I get paid, I can't change my income, I can't be fired, ect... There is no motivation for people to suceed. The theory that in capitalism the working class are somehow suppressed by the upper and upper-middle classes is a myth. 90% of millionaires in America are first generation millionaires. The thought of everyone being equal is great in philosophy, however, it's not practical in reality. Government can't make everyone equal... no matter how hard they try there will be contributors and abusors... In a capitalist the latter usually comes out behind.

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