
Why Is the sky so blue?

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Whats with the funny colors




  1. Ever heard about Raman Effect ?

  2. has to do with physics.

    our high school teacher told us this once and we had to read an article on it.

    has to do with the water droplets and how the sun hits them.

  3. sky is blue because of phenomenon called light scattering.

    This is how seeing color works:

    Visible light combines different color radiations into one to seem white but in reality it has red, violet, blue, green, yellow..etc. These was demonstrated by Sir Isaac Newton with a long list of experiments. Everything in nature has a natural property to absorb part of that light that receives and reflects that which due to its molecular structure, cannot absorb. So when we see something in yellow color, it actually absorbs every color of the spectrum but yellow reflecting this back to where are eyes can received this light and interpreted as color.

    Color is psychological, it only exists because we choose to name it.

    When sunlight passes trough the earths atmosphere, it passes trough a series of filters including air and air absorbs a certain type of radiation and reflect another. Blue color is due to larger proportion of nitrogen present in air.

    This is the short version, here is a link if you want more detail.

    Pollution sometimes has also something to do with the color we see in the sky,

  4. i have no idea... but beleive me its not because it reflects on the ocean!!! i still wounder why?? great question :) let me know if you get a resonable answer...

  5. it is coz blue light is reflected from the light that is white but actually contains the VIBGYOR of rainbow so the B that is blue is reflected hence the blue colour

  6. A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light.  When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colors because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.

  7. It is kinda bright and God wants us to have light not darkness

  8. due to the angle of solar light penetration

  9. thats interesting queston maybe cuz god made it like that!

  10. The sky is blue because it reflects off the ocean. Colors are all over us and cant explain it all

  11. Cause God love the infantry.

  12. Is has to do with the different refractive properties of the molecules in the air. See link. Sorry, but it's not God.

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