
Why Isn't India's Rising Superpower Status Boosting Indian Self-Respect In The Same Way That Is In China???

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As China flies to the top, Chinese people are developing a strong sense of pride, confidence, self-respect, both as individuals as well as a nation, race and community. They are becoming nationalistic and patriotic to such an extent that has never been witnessed before. Their excellent performance has brought home the belief that they are just as good, if not better, than all the other civilised races. This increase in respect and pride that they have developed has engendered a revival of Chinese culture, ancient Chinese history, practices, religion and philosophy and pretty much all things Chinese.

In the case of India, we view the absolute opposite. As India too flies to the top, Hindu religion, ancient Indian culture, history, knowledge and pretty much all things Indian are increasingly being thrown out of the window.




  1. china is a communists ruled country.  They enforce law strictly.  There is no corrupted politicians.  There is also no plenty of  political parties.  There is no power thirsty people. while comparing china, india is a democratic country.  people are uncontrollable.  If you catch an individual under any law, he will come finding loopholes and by money.  mostly corrupted.  here politicians are power hungry people.There is no strict enforcement of law.  There is no leader to think in the progress of the nation.They forget our rich cultures and traditions.  The people are changing slowly to the western style of living and begin to follow their mentality.  There is no co-operation between political parties and its leaders in seeing welfare of the country, whereas they fully co-operates in their welfare.  Hence, your motivation, thinking are very high and appreciatable, but comparison is poor.

  2. Indians believe in fate, Chinese believe in's only my thought.

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