
Why KL taxi drivers practice robbery and cheating, most victims are tourists?

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Why KL taxi drivers practice robbery and cheating, most victims are tourists?




  1. because some are just malaysian, we try our best to bring out a good image of our country..but there are some people who just do not bother...sooo sad

  2. hey buddy! my advise: don't post that kind of question here because you will be mobbed by the "holier-than-thou" yammer's here...

    to answer your question: my guess is maybe because in KL, some taxi drivers have low morals. but this can be experienced also around the world. anyway, that is not a typical of malaysian people. there are just few who do it but most malaysians are friendly, kind and very warm. they really are nice people. i can say that because i have experienced their unique and very accommodating hospitality here. *wink*    

  3. Tourist have more cash in hand and easy target because the Malaysian police ain't doing their jobs properly.It happen to me once , I made a police report at the police station but at the end I was advise to give it up.Maybe also due to the rise in the cost of living. but these kind incident happen almost everywhere in Malaysia. I stop going to Malaysia since...

  4. I've been cheated in Indonesia. how do you count this...was i stupid or the taxi driver was bad?

  5. not all of them..they are humen to depends to your luck ..but still have many honest,friendly taxi driver in KL.

  6. use others public transport..

    tarnish Malaysia image!!!

  7. I don't understand why such question cos it happened in Bangkok and Philippines too..

    Did you post such question there too; in order to find out more?


  8. ...another one of your generalising statements....i presume...pls do your homework first....

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