
Why Left Parties opposing IAEA Agreement?

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Why Left Parties opposing IAEA Agreement and what are the benefit and loss for India? And how it is related to corporate world?




  1. Politics of opportunism.

    None of these parties want to empower my country.  They want power & money.

    The business men have money, they do not want to be taxed for all kinds of business,they do.  They assist the dirty politicians to buy the MP`s and vote for the ruling party.  Once, the ruling party in power, demonstrates the majority, they will rule for another year.  The business men, who helped the government to secure majority, will be benefited by not levying the tax on petroleum products.  They make billions.  They throw peanuts to MP`s and buy these blaggards.  Then, by evading or by enacting a law, forbidding the government not to levy tax, they make thousands of crores.

    That is how the business men and their broker is raping this country.  The country is bleeding for their mischief.

  2. It is not only the IAEA agreement that the Left is opposing.The Left has consistently been against the Nuclear Deal  because of its

    ideological hatred of anything American which,

    according to them is the epitome of capitalism.

    The Left's credo is spread of hatred of anything which stands for progress.Else tell me why when the rest of the states of India is

    progressing so fast and keeping with the modern trends,the Communist-ruled states of West Bengal and Kerala are still backward?

    The Nuclear deal will benefit India greatly by

    solving the energy crisis as also bring India into the mainstream of the international community

    of developed nations without being segregated

    as an outcast.The corporate world will be able to set up new ventures and contribute to the building of much-needed infrastructure for

    taking the country to greater heights of wealth and power.We will be able to eliminate to a great extent the unemployment problem which is what is retarding the nation's march ahead.

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