
Why Love is not for everyone ???

by  |  earlier

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All Alone !!!




  1. Love is for everyone,  how ever strong relationships aren't for everyone. People are too picky, too fussy, to crabby. Not many people are open, forgiving, understanding and appreciative anymore. I'm sure you'll find someone who see's you for you - and everything about you. :]

  2. well love is for everyone but we are not for love if you need to chat with someone email me at

  3. it is up to you wheither or not it's for you or not. i'm all alone too!


  4. I don't know you! I don't know  anything about your life or

    who you are. I know  how you  feel.Please learn to love Your self first! Respect your self!

    Know your strength and your weakness. Humble your

    self. Find the balance. Once you do that, you will become

    the person you are looking for. When Love presents itself

    to you, you will know it ! When you feel it in you, you will

    be able to feel the joy of Love. Please, once you find it,

    don't be a miser, share it!!  You will never...ever... be alone!

  5. love is for everyone. you love yourself, your family, your friends, and your partner. you may be alone but love is with you still.

  6. it depends on what you've been through

  7. Because some people aren't for people too loose or too tight. That might not be you though. How long it lasts is up too you though. I don't know you so I can't be like a psychiatrist.

  8. Its in your mind and behavior...... THink good Behave good.... A good Girl will come into youor life soon......


  10. Love is for everyone, there are no reservations here. How long love lasts depends on the strength of the relationship.

    We can make a relationship wonderful and help it last long or mess it up and be responsible for ruining it.

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