
Why M'sia needs to have By-Election? How will Abdullah Badawi step down?

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So sorry I haven't been following M'sia news for awhile and have completely lost track now. Why did Anuar stands a good chance now to win Penang? How come Abdullah is going to lose his PM place. I dont understand..




  1. yes he is a nice fellow by letting the other guy pointing a keris at my family on national  

  2. Im a Penangite, the first vote of my life went for the opposition this year, and most youth (a big gang of us) want some changes in the politics, we are pretty sure that Anwar will win. Not because we are obsessed with the opposition or hate the govt,, but we are doing this for the sake of improving the maturity level of Malaysian politics.

    Adding the fuel price hike,, the opposition has climbed another step ahead for their victory.  

  3. Additional with Man's answer...

    Theres a rumour telling that if Anwar wins, some BN MP gonna step down and we will have re-election again. Also, Anwar believes hes gonna be the next PM before 16 September.

    I dont know if this true or not but,if God's will, he'll wins. Bout the good chance, probably because his wife wons there before. i guess so.

  4. 1.The by-election is held in Permatang Pauh, it is Anuar's solid fort.The minority ethnics now trust in Anuar.The Malays who love integrity of Malaysian will choose Anuar also. Majority of Peninsula Malaysian know Anwar will be a good PM.Anuar is charismatic in the world. The current BN government is severely corrupted,we have no remedy to cure it.

    2.Badwi is quite a nice person but his konco-konco are not.Perhaps Badwi is too nice and pampers his followers until the government become corrupted.

    i. Najis gave Laksa a grenade to blow a fukcing pretty girl into pieces.Najis built a lot of NS camps and bought in a lot useless foreign weapon to make profit.Next time,when he is PM,he can blow any citizens.

    ii. Hisapbunting raised the keris to intimidate the minorities,and only apologized after the big loss in the recent general.Perhaps Hisapbunting had just finished watching Genghis Khan comics then.

    iii. Muisin was the one involved to bring down Anuar in 1998.

    iv.Our current gov always make secret deal with the highway company .We don't know how Petronas spending money. The current gov lost the FTA deal with USA.

    v.Najis has perhaps promised to Badwi give Kali a minister post.

    vi.If we don't make dare change,Malaysia will become second Myanmar.

    vii.Dr.M hates Badwi for calling of the bridge linking S'pore and M'sia.Dr.M has relatives involved in this giant project.Badwi always makes something that shows he is the good guy,the Dr.M is the bad guy.Dr.M didn't choose Najis to become his successor because Najis was friend of Anuar then.

  5. i'm lost like you too, we shall wait and see

  6. how comw a portugis people like u know about badawi?

  7. Anwar wants to be the PM but in order to be the PM he needs to be a MP first

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