
Why MUST celebrities put pictures of their newborns on the cover of magazines?

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is this something that has ALWAYS been done?

when did this new fad begin and when will it come to an end? why are they all doing this?

i don't have respect for any celebrity that does it because i really don't think their personal lives are any of our business. i give props to those celebrities who have had babies and kept it out of the public eye.

what's the point? money? competition? or is it something that's just really important for us to all see and i simply don't get it?




  1. The paparazzi are going to get pictures of them eventually so the celebrities just go ahead and get it done with. Besides not all keep the money. Angelina and Brad donated most of it from Shiloh so it benefited a charity for everyone to see their baby on the cover of the magazine. There lives aren't our business but when you have the press and paparazzi their lives are on display, it's not really there choice now. Once they became a celebrity it kind of became part of the deal.

  2. I don't like it one bit, and purposely do not by magazines about celebrities any more.  However, the fact that they donate their money to charity is very noble.

  3. the present the photos to the magazine who pays them the most money...

    it's not that they "must"

    but h**l, what would you do if someone offered you like 15 million to put your baby's  beautiful face on the cover of a magazine

  4. i think it is all about the money... i did hear that brad and angelina were going to donate the millions they made off the twins

  5. magazines would give over a million dollars to get a first baby picture... its just for entertainment so more people would buy their magazines

  6. I think its because the public wants to see them so the media pesters them until they comply.

  7. Well you can either get paid $100,000 and have nice shots in a magazine or have the paparazzi go crazy to get exclusive pics of your never-before-seen baby! Also, if I was a mom and had an adorable baby, I'd love to show off! Why not!

  8. They're happy to have their children and they get paid lots of money because people want to be all up in their personal lives. People buy these $5 magazines just to read about celebrities, so why blame them!? Who cares though, if you don't like it, don't buy it.

  9. I think it is actually a desire for privacy.  There is great competition to invade their privacy by photographers who want to sell the first pictures to People Weekly, Access Hollywood etc.  Buy inviting one photographer in, they depress the value of other pictures and are less likely to have photographers sneaking around their house or using telescopic lenses to spy and photograph them.

  10. the magazine companies PAY them for their pictures. if they didn't sell them, the paparazzi would be all over them, trying to get photos.

  11. i have no idea! i think its rediculous, OK magazine just paid jessica alba 1.5 million for a pic of her new baby....thats dumb!

  12. to show the world there new little bundles of joy.


  13. it isn't the celebrities who put their children on the cover of magazines.  it is the magazines and paparazzi responding to the public demand - if you don't like celebrity babies on your magazine cover don't buy the magazine

  14. the people who work for the company choose to put baies on the cover

  15. Uhmm its not the celebraties doing it, its the press and the magazine writers n what not....

  16. hello fellow troll

  17. Which celebrities decide what goes on the cover of the magazine? That's the magazine publisher's job, and he pays his staff good money to create great covers!

    None of them do, although they probably secretly compete for that attention.

    Now, to ask you: why do you buy these magazines?

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