
Why Malaysian need gun's when they can hire security officers for the job?

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Do you agree that it is useless to own gun's in Malaysia?

The law's in Malaysia makes it so difficult to own gun's.

Even if you do get the C & U chances are you couldn't shoot straight and the responsibilities that possessing a gun brings out weight the reason of owning one in the first place.

I strongly believe that gun's should be left to those who are trained and licensed to protect people.

However Malaysian are very kia su people.

They take security issue lightly and rather take the risk than hire security for sensitive task like handling large cash deposit and withdrawal, and not to mention high value goods.

This will give the robbers plenty of choices and opportunities to strike at their will and wimps'

As such they have only themselves to blame.

I am sure it won't cost you a fortune to have a security officer for half a day to accompany you on your sensitive errant's.

If no such service is available someone should start doing something to cater to this huge group of customers.




  1. Why polis carry Heckler & Koch MP5 9mm sub machine gun then? And malaysian polis are known to be involved in crimes.

    Example : The murder of Altantuya , the polis sergeant who robbed a goldsmith shop , polis who shot 2 innocent people in Kota Bahru recently.

  2. realistically in real life if u ever read the papers and watch the news, more robbers are using guns...

    furthermore there plenty on the blackmarket. its just that the possession and discharge amounts to death penalty that it is not rampant.

    go hire a guard for your errands and the suckers will wait for u to come home or kidnap ur children or stop u in the highway .....

    its not that safe anymore

  3. Qualified citizens must be given guns to protect themselves from criminal elements.  Initiate a petition to lobby for the allowance of responsible gun possession by citizens.

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