
Why McCain can’t remember how many houses he has?

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Is he to old? Or has he lost his mind?

I think whichever it may be; it is too dangerous to have him as a president.




  1. He doesn't want to admit it, because it would make him look bad.

    Of course, neo-Republicans are foaming at the mouth to defend him.

    What a joke!

  2. Because he is an idiot.

    Obama 2008!

  3. Senility, probably.  The last thing we need now is a doddering old fool like Reagan.

    And princess zelda may have spoke, but that doesn't make her any less annoying, indeed...

  4. To busy in congress for the last 20 years.  

  5. i agree with princess all the way!

    who the f**k cares?!

    kwame, get over yourself, you were arrested on purpose, not because of your race. my black friend got arrested because she did something really bad. get over it.

  6. If Obama wasted millions of dollars on a stupid campaign ad (that Republicans find ridiculous) - It's an indication he will waste billions of dollars of Taxpayer's money on "Minority Contract Set-aside Programs" for the purspose of placing only  African Americans in high profile cabinet posts like his mentor Chicago Mob Mayor Harold Washingon.

    Now that he has supposedly chosen Biden, the crown king of Unions, it shows how bad his judgement is (Hillary was a sure win for him).

    By the way, Rezko Gate

  7. The bulk of them came to Cindy through her fathers business Anheuser Busch. She inherited them.

    John and Cindy's money are separate because of a prenuptial agreement. John lives off his Senators salary and thats it. They file separate tax returns.

    That is the simple answer of why he doesn`t actually know how many houses they own they belong to Cindy through Anheuser Busch. He didn`t buy them.

    They are all on the level unlike Obama's Rezco million dollar home.

    How many shacks do Obama`s relatives in Kenya own?

    His brother George lives on $12 a year and Obama hasn`t even sent him a $20 bill. Let alone rescue him from Kenya`s worst slums and bring him here. The kid is embarrassed to even let people know he is Obama`s brother. Remember Matthew 25 Obamas favorite bible passage about helping the least of us, I guess that doesn`t count for brothers.

  8. Is this relevant to the election? No.

    Are you an annoying person? Yes.

    The Princess has spoken.

  9. Well, most of them were really his wifes when they married.  Some, I've heard are "investment" properties that are bringing in income -- so he has probably never actually lived in them.   And its not a big deal to him.  "So we've got 7 houses," he says to the pretty Mrs.  "Lets go for 8.  I know of this nice colonial down on Pennsylvaia Ave. that is soon to be up for sale.  And I head from It's current occupant that its a real income magnate!"

  10. He is old, but I don't think it is because he is that senile he doesn't remember.  He probably didn't want the American taxpayer to know how many homes he owns because it would damage his regular guy maverick image so he pretended not to know how much real estate his rich trophy wife bought him.  

    He is just not that quick on his feet or good at answering off the cuff questions.  He needs them handed to him before the interview.

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