
Why McCain in light of...?

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George W. Bush inherited a $128 Billion Dollar Budget Surplus When He Took Office. REPUBLICANS have posted a deficit every year since. What for 2009? A RECORD $482 Billion Dollar Shortfall.

It was REPUBLICANS who sat in a secret briefing on August 6th, 2001 we’re told in detail that Osama bin Laden planned to strike the United States with hijacked airplanes. AND DID NOTHING.

It was REPUBLICAN ACTIVIST Supreme Court that somehow magically squeezed the termination of legal recount of votes in Florida out of the Fourteenth Amendment...

A REPUBLICAN, not a liberal, has FAILED to kill or capture the man who was responsible for 9/11

It was REPUBLICANS who lusted for, planned, and executed the biggest military blunder in American history,9171,1181629,00.html

...lied about the justification for war...

..helped themselves to tens of billions of taxpayer dollars...

..ordered our soldiers into harm's way disgustingly unprotected...

..ignored the wounded who returned to squalid care...

..spent...over half a trillion dollars on this sad aventure....$2500...a second.

Help me understand why you think that McCain is the right way to go? He has voted with GWB 90ish% of the time. No smart a$$ answers, I am seriously asking what McCain offers that makes you think he is the go to guy.

Do not bash Obama, this question is not about him. I am not saying he is better, I am saying...he is not my question.




  1. the election is a choice between McCain or Obama.  McCain is the right way to go because the alternative is far, far worse than anything we have ever experienced!

  2. I have some ocean front property in Arizona that I would like to sell you cheap.

  3. Well put but the issues you allude to will not be discussed. Wait 'til the Rep 527s start into full gear, then you won't be recognize truth from the fiction they'll spin.

  4. One problem with all of your research is from liberal media that HATE Bush.  

    McCain stand for what most people in the US stand for.  Lower taxes, smaller government, good energy plan, and pro-life.  

  5. Blah,blah blah, nice rant.And a 143 day senator will do SO much better??? McCain ain't Bush...  

  6. Now change the words like Iraq to Vietnam and Republican to Democrat Dems have already done the unpopular unwanted war.

  7. This proof would open any persons eyes to hypocrisy....except the republicans on Y!A who vote for party only and not for the good of the country.

    OBAMA 08

  8. Yes, exactly. Not to mention that McCain selected a right-wing evangelical extremist for VP. He's over 70 and has had skin cancer multiple times. This woman, with little experience, little education and extreme views could end up running our country. No rational person could possibly allow this.  

  9. ::yawn::

    Here's my grocery list of propaganda...please don't rudely disprove it.

  10. how's the kool aid taste today? Sounds preeeeety bitter!

  11. "On August 6, 2001 Bush was given a national security memo that warned of a possible attack by al-Qaeda during the next few weeks using hijacked aircraft by al-Qaeda agents already inside the United States. Bush responded by taking a long vacation at his ranch in Crawford."

    Enough said

  12. There is no convincing you.  Vote as you wish.


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