
Why McCain is so rich he does not know how many homes he owns?

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Is he too old ,possibly needs people to make all decisions for him!




  1. Would he notice if we quietly stole one?

    Who has a big enough lorry?

  2. Why do we care about how many houses he has?

    I nearly gagged when Obama suggested that a man who spent 5 years in a vietnam POW camp doesn't understand suffering cause NOW he has more then one home.

    By those standards we are all potentionally "out of touch" if given just a little money.

    Obama himself is quite rich ..all though...with all this talk of homes...I have to wonder if he secretly cries himself to sleep at night....since he only has one mansion.

  3. Without looking, can you tell us right now how much you have in all your bank accounts?

    That would be the equivalent question to you and me. And the answer is no, I can't.

    The guy has several of those homes as investments. He probably doesn't track his investments hardly at all. Cindy handles the finances in his family. He's got the country to worry about.

  4. He, just like many wealthy Americans, the McCains have business advisers and c.p.a.'s that make the day to day decisions regarding their personal investments. This is a non-issue.

  5. that is the beauty of a capitalistic society. anyone can get rich beyond thier own belief.

  6. And Obama is the Elitist, When you have more houses then you can remember then you are an elitist. When You have the distorted view that Rich is 5 million plus, you are an elitist. According to McCain's logic Barack is one of the boys(4.6 Million reported) and he is the rich punk who you hate(10 Million with his wife).

  7. This is so silly.

    JC, perhaps you can name one Senator or political dynamo in Washington that is living in a 10x10 shack in Montana full time because I can't.

    letsee....How many houses does Ted Kennedy have?

    How many houses does Al Gore have?

    How many houses does John Kerry have?

    How much of a discount did Obama get on his mansion in Hyde Park from now convicted felon, Tony Rezko?

    Please...the hypocrisy of this whole issue is so glaring. Most of our Presidents have had a few bux and a few houses. So what? Look at Bubba and Hillary. Bubba makes 250,000 for a half hour appearance. He and Hillary claimed over 20 mil in income last year. I'm no Clinton supporter but don't consider THAT to be a crime. It may be one of the few things they have done that isn't.

    My guess is Cindy owns the houses and she takes care of her investments. Again, so what? At least John McCain remembers what he has said from day to day. Obama doesn't seem to be able to do that as he has been caught in a few whopper lies lately.  

  8. why is Obama so rich he cant define who's rich when asked?

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