
Why McCain over Paul?

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why is mccain getting all this leverage over paul? i mean can someone explain this to me




  1. conservatism has failed, and McCain represents a continuation of neo-con government ala Bush: Deficit spending, continuing increase in the size and scope of the federal gov't, etc...

  2. Paul is a notorious Jew hater.

  3. Because Ron Paul is a wacko that has ZERO chance of getting elected.....if you want to WASTE your vote..that is exactly what the left is hoping for as Obama is in free fall and BEHIND McCain now....

  4. Mr. McCain is eminently qualified! Plain and simple!

  5. ron paul is uber.  

  6. Paul had a lot of 18th Century ideology that intimidated Republicans.. because he was completely different than all the other *mongoloid* candidates. I liked his ideas, because they made sense.. and maybe since we are at a pre-economic crisis that it takes older theory to help stabilize America.. but people got scared and wondered why Paul didn't run Independent.

    But yes, remember that the candidates have to comply with AIPAC prior to stepping up. No $4 billion to Israel, no US President.

  7. Because Dr Paul will take away all the power the elite have gained in the last 100 years, there is no way they will allow that to happen, so Dr paul has been marginalized and slandered to the point that people think he isn't viable.

    "A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."

    -Dresden James

    Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.

    – Gertrude Stein

  8. It proves the corporations are the ones who are really in control of the two party system.

    Paul refuses to sell out!

    Go Paul!

    Anyone who says Paul is an isolationist hasn't read Paul's work!!

    Paul is not a Jew hater! He just doesn't believe America should spend billions Israel while Israel just wastes the money!

  9. Paul is an isolationist.  That's my big problem with him.

  10. Paul was one of the few politicians in any party to talk about the so-called North American Union, which is generaly viewed as being President Bush's baby.

    As a Texas politician, he told the truth about the Trans-Texas Corridor, to be built and maintained by Spain and circumvents American ports with Mexican trucks.

    The man doesn't go along with the people in both parties who have lost site of their obligation to America and think they repersent Israel or Mexico.
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