
Why Ms Mamta is opposing Tata, is it Political, Personal or for Media attention.?

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Why Ms Mamta is opposing Tata, is it Political, Personal or for Media attention.?




  1. By politically opposing the Tata project,she is drawing

    a lot of media attention by which she is hogging the limelight and personally projecting herself as a champion of the downtrodden(Farmers in this case).

    Whether any other considerations are involved is a moot question,answers to which will start hitting the headlines soon after the various parties cogitate on her

    strategy and the milage she is getting due to her

    adamance.If she wins,her victory will be Pyrrhic because it is going to prove very costly as far as the state's future development is concerned.Hers is now a classic situation of having got a tiger by the tail.WILL SHE HANG ON OR LET GO? India and especially the

    business community not only of India but the world is

    waiting and watching the gradual unfolding of the drama.

  2. for money

    these filthy people want money and this gets distributed in top party members.this is a con of "democracy",some paid agents do it in the name of the party and  it is presented as if a large chunk wants it .

    that is y islam denounces democracy .what is does is it sees that is amy move is benificiant for the state then go for it ,no politics.

  3. all the three

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