
Why Muslim men are so disproportionnately "protective" of women? Why can't I have a flirt with their daughter?

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I noticed that even in families who don't use the headscarf, there is anyway a terrible pressure on daughters and sisters...They don't even the right to have a boy-friend !! WHY ?

Muslim boys can seduce non-Muslim girls, and nobody criticizes that.

But it seems that Muslims girls don't even share the same freedom .

Explain me WHY there is such an absurd double-standart?

PS : I am not Muslim, but I know many Muslims.




  1. That's largely cultural, and it depends where you live and what's available to do where you live. It's the parents responsibility not to raise pigs like that, and to raise men who are respectful of all women--and that rule of thumb should apply to anyone regardless of religion. Anyway, with regards to your question, that practice is not Islamic, just cultural.

  2. Trust me, before converting I had enough guys like you on my case, and only about .0001 per cent of you want any sincere or long lasting relationship.

    And her parents know that.   Wish I had grown up muslim.

    And if the son turns out like a loser that's his fault.

  3. Sadly enough many muslim parents complain that they are "losing" their children to non-muslims, yet they are not allowed to socialize amongst themselves. we need to trust our teenagers to follow the right path. we need to create an environment in which the kids can get to know each other instead of sheltering them and making them want to sneak around.

  4. No Muslim father, wants his daughter to lose her virginity before marriage because it is a sin, and will make the woman unmarriagble.  ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) says in the Qur'an "The fornicating women for the fornicating men, and the good women for the good men".  Islam also says you should marry a chaste woman.  Chaste as defined by

    1. refraining from sexual intercourse that is regarded as contrary to morality or religion; virtuous.  

    2. virgin.  

    3. not engaging in sexual relations; celibate.  

    4. free from obscenity; decent: chaste conversation.  

    5. undefiled or stainless: chaste, white snow.  

    6. pure in style; not excessively ornamented; simple.  

    7. Obsolete. unmarried

    A woman having s*x with many partners, puts her at a higher chance of catching AIDS, HIV or a sexually transmitted disease, and as a result of having multiple partners, puts her at a higher risk of getting cervical cancer which leads to the woman being sterile for the rest of her life.  The same thing for men.  Men are not allowed to sleep with women they are not married to, and can not have extra marital or premarital affairs.  The punishment for any unmarried man or unmarried woman who commits Zina(fornication or adultery) is to be whipped 100 times as presribed by the Qur'an, and if any married man or married woman knowingly has s*x outside of marriage, then they have to be stoned to death, according to some Hadiths.  A Muslim man may approach a girl's father and ask for her hand in marriage.  If the girl consents to this, then they meet in the girl's house, in the presence of her mahram(father, sons, brothers, uncles, grandfather) and if they like each other, then they engage for 6 months to 1 year and then get married.  Polygamy does NOT count as an extra marital affair or cheating because the man is legally married to more then one woman legally in Islam, once he gets Nikkah done.  This is why the prophet Muhammad(Salla Allahu alahi Wa Salaam) encourages us to get married young, so we don't fall into temptation and do something haraam like Zina.  And if you are unable to get married, then you should fast until you are able to get married.  No true Muslim would go into a night club and flirt with strange women.  It's haraam in Islam for men and women to interact with or mingle with each other outside of blood realations.

  5. How about if SOME guy (muslim, non-muslim, crackhead, or a drunk) comes along and flirts and seduces your daughter or sister...would you be okay with that??

    I don't think any guy in their right mind would be totally okay with that. Im your case....IDK....that's you

  6. Don't worry lad if you like a Muslim lass you go ahead. Who can stop you?

  7. because they care for the daughter more than the son because if she does not take care of herself without the help from her parents she may get pregnant!(or someone may take advantage of her) then there is all sorts of trouble

    if her parents (manly the mother) reinforce that she can talk to a boy to some extent than she will realise that she cant flirt with anybody until she gets married

  8. How would you like if someone flirted with your mother? or your sister or even in future your daughter.

    Boyfriends will lead to s*x eventually.......

    Muslim boys are forbidden to flirt also, they are not good muslims, and not all muslims are the same...nor are all christians and jews. Muslims that go to pubs or clubs are not muslim, they are muslim by name, not heart. How would u like it if someone flirted with ur sister or mother and wanted to have s*x with them? how would u like it if they were touching ur mother or sister up?muslims respect and upgrade the woman, the woman who show their body are the woman that are liked for body, not personality.

  9. A daughter occupies a place of pride and honour in Islam.

    She is very precious and valuable, therefore guarded, just as precious  and valuable assets are guarded and kept safe.

    Any Muslim father would certainly guard his daughter from falling into the hand of unauthorised person and schemer, such as yourself!

    Go frequent the flooded streets and full clubs of western girls, for your lust appetite!

  10. Women in general (not necessarily a Muslim) are easily swayed and "intoxicated" by men. Women are created to be more emotional, which in this case is perfectly the reason why the muslim fathers does not want their daughters to be entangled with complications later.

    I wouldnt want to call it double standard but lets call it, a father is just being protective towards their daughter. At the end of the day, its their responsibility to care for their daughters until they get married.  

  11. "disproportionately" is  purely subjective. For us it is normal.

    In the same way the freedom you are enjoying is disproportionate wickedness from our point of view.

    For us, love and s*x is something that come with social approval, intention of making family, life long commitment to bear emotional and social responsibility.

    For your culture, woman is a piece of raw flesh for men to enjoy, we don't agree with your idea. and we have right to have our own point of view.

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