
Why My Mom Have Lack of Understanding?

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I got back from the hospital and I managed to get a diagnose of Anxiety Disorder.

They wrote what I said about the flash back memory of my high school principal yelling at me that happen about 8 months ago. It wasn't the yelling, it was said and it has hurt me. Spending almost everyday listen to for 8 months worth of trash that my high school principal said to me.

Please Note: I am 23 years old, not in high school!

My mom totally misunderstood and thought it have to do with the yelling. It REALLY have to do what was said.

Why mom have to lack of understanding when come to problem?

Why do I feel that I can't listen to everything to what my mom say?

I will re-post this question because the Yahoo Answers failed to post it in the People with Disabilities section.




  1. First you should know that the words said to us that hurt us most are because we here them in our hearts

    So when people say nasty hurtful words to us we should try to not let those words go to our hearts.

    Think of nice words and think also of the person saying the nasty bad words to us that they can not hurt us because we don't let those words go to our heart to give us the hurt  

  2. Bob - and please don't think I'm trying to be mean; but if I am not mistaken, you have problems communicating with your family in many areas. This is just the latest.

    I suggest you speak with your counselor about the difficulties you have conveying your feelings with your family - and maybe he/she can work with both you and your family to develop a few tools that will enable you-all to communicate better. This is really important because at 23, you are an adult - and if you push things too far, you may just find yourself on the outside looking in - literally.

    See, both you and your family have developed a sort of vocabulary that pushes buttons. They say one thing - you take it a different way. And conversely, you say something - and they take it a different way. Apparently it has been going on for quite some time - at least your posts have indicated this.

    What I strongly suspect is that you're trying to exert an amount of independence - which is a good thing - truly it is - and I applaude your efforts. But your family is interpreting it as "biting the hand that feeds you." That's not so good - and I suspect you really don't mean it that way - but it's coming across that way.

    So, I suggest that you and your family (whom you depend on, by the way) meet with your counselor to find some new ways to react to old stimuli.

    The good news is that deep down inside, you and your family truly love each other. I'm sure you and your family can, with help, find ways to communicate better.

    This will take effort on BOTH your parts - not just you - and not just them.

    Good luck.

  3. You should have a discussion with you mother about your feelings and how you are feeling.  

  4. Words do hurt.Try to help your mom understand what hurt you.Tell her what your principal said to you to make you so upset.She can not  understand your problem if she does not know the facts.You may not listen to your mom because you are your own person with your own ideas.You may not  always agree but you can respect another persons point of view and expect the same in return.It sounds like you are very frustrated in your communication with your mom.So help her help you.Show her this question and ask her for an answer,she is your mom and that's what moms do.I'm so sorry you had to be inflicted with 8 months of trash talk.If you can write what was said and how you felt and give the letter to your mother to read.Make it as clear as you can to explain it all. Hope it works out for you and your mom.

  5. You obviously have other problems besides anxiety disorder. Are you in counseling yet? Since you are or want to be so close to your mom - she should be in counseling with you on at least some occasions or part of the time.

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