
Why My Wife Won't Make Love With Me?

by Guest34103  |  earlier

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I don’t what is going one with my wife. She used to be in the mood al the time but for the last month she is never in the mood she is always irritable and pushes me a way. She is a bank manager so she works 5days a week 11hrs a day, and I told her to take a part time job on weekend being manager at Macy’s and she took it, ever since she started working 55hrs in her bank job and 20hrs lat Macy’s she started going to gym at night and highlighted her hair gold. She dress sexier and says that I make her work 2job while I only have 1 and she is tired. The only reason she has 2jobs is that no one will give me 2nd job. She also takes online class to get her Master degree she is a full time student what can I do to make her want have love with me thanks. She is 24 I’m 33 married 2yr.




  1. Your not 33, your about 13. Get a clue, the girl is tired. Who wouldn't be? I think if I were her I would be looking for a man that could support me without me having to work myself to death. Do you just want s*x or do you love her? I think you just want s*x because if you really loved her, you would be working the second job and not her. Don't tell me that you can't find a second job, you just don't want to work two jobs. If you love her then take the pressure off of her before it destroys your marriage. What is more important money or love?

  2. Sounds like they have chewed you may want to consider cutting back things so that she may quit that second job. And shower her with affection. She probably doesn't feel appreciated. I don't put out when I feel like c**p either.

  3. That's an easy one...she's upset that she's carrying all the weight in the relationship.  A woman, no matter what she says, wants to be with a man (a real man) that takes care of her.  You're 33 years old?  Get a job.  Why don't you go and get a job at Macy's?  I wouldn't sleep with you either, and maybe it is likely that she has her eye on someone else.  Why wouldn't she?  She's obviously very unhappy with her life right now, and to be honest, it's sort of your fault.  She's busting her a**!

  4. Check out this site

  5. Go get a second job and be a man before she leaves your sorry ***.

  6. How could she possibly have time for s*x? She's working like a dog 75 hours a week and all you can do is whine about not getting your nut? Ever heard the phrase, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" ? It's true. You two need to make your paychecks from each of your ONE jobs fit your budget, which could mean making some cuts someplace. Otherwise, never seeing each other and never having s*x is going to destroy your marriage. Some things are more important than the almighty dollar.

  7. Well, she is tired!  Give her a break!!  I don't hink your looking hard enough for the 2nd job.  

    In her line of work she has to LOOK the part. It's not like she works at a car garage where it doesn't matter what she wears!

    When people are tired, s*x is the last thing on their minds.   IF you work 2 jobs, bet you'll be tired too and then understand!

  8. How in the h**l can anyone do all that she's doing?   How can you let her work that much?  That's a crime.  I'm surprised if she's not on speed or something just to function.  I would be too tired to have s*x too.  Be real.  You should work your *** off to take care of her.

  9. she is just very busy and doesnt have time for s*x stop being soo selfish  

  10. well ****..she has a full load. She is TIRED & resentful towards you bc she has a huge workload & school to deal with. Let her quit that job & you pick up the  slack...that's not fair to your wife.

  11. I don't blame her, i wouldn't have s*x with you either.  You are the man of the household and you have her working 2 jobs, going to school and you want s*x - yeah right.  Plus, the debt is from your 1st marriage. Hopefully, she's working the 2nd job so she can save up enough money to leave your sorry a@@.  Don't worry though, when she finishes school - your days with her are probably numbered anyway.

  12. You need to get off your lazy *** and stop making excuses for why you can't get another job. You are the MAN. If anyone should be working extra it should be YOU. Maybe she doesn't want s*x with you because she can't believe what an a*****e you are making her work like a dog while you sit back and enjoy the benefits. My advice, be more considerate and treat your wife like the queen she is.  

  13. Well hello you just answered your own ? she has two jobs, goes to the gym, and goes to school that would more than enough for my s*x drive to go down hill. Honestly why does she have to pay off debt that accumulated from you r previous marriage that's not her responsibility i wouldn't be surprised if your marriage ended

  14. If this is even real.......I think you are aware of all the aspects of what is going on....she told you she thinks it is unfair.  If she is dressing s**y..she could be on the prowl for another persons attention or already has it.   If she is are worth more than that even if you were a bone head.  She may not be able to tell you her angle because she is not a good communicator.  Sometimes people lack the ability to be emotionally intelligent because of the environment they grew up in...marry people who ignore them because that's what they are used to  or abuse of some sort.  Or you have not told us everything she has been saying to you and you make this look like your innocent.   But seriously i think you are just messing with people here posting like your some sort of thoughtless, lying,  selfish order to irritate and get something started.   If not...then you are some sort of thoughtless, lying, selfish idiot...taking advantage of a kind  person who has seen the light and decided not to play along any more.  But she should tell you how she feels and not just dump on you by cheating or do deserve more than that.  Take a look at yourself and ask why you think it is ok to have her pay for your debts and withholding that information for how ever long...why you only are concerned about you and your needs.  Why she has given so much for you and you are still not satisfied...why you have not gotten three jobs any where to pay down your debt.  If you are real about this look into your own life and answer the questions you know people are asking.

  15. u are talking BULL **** ,

    I don't believe a WORD of it!!

  16. when you mad at someone you don't want to have s*x with them. Give her time she cool down.

  17. why dont you just to be understanding? SHe works so many hours, then school. then gym. She works too much. Imagine the stress she have while at work.

    Or maybe try to be more sweet and caring and not just come to her whenever you want to make love. Compliment her for fixing herself.

    ANd try to talk to her about it. ANd why dont you try to spend time with her at the gym. You maybe spending less time with each other. SO the intimacy is losing down

  18. I wouldn't make love to you either.  No one will hire you? BS! And she is working to pay for a prior marriage.  You suck! Get off your lazy *** and go work at a gas station, moron. Foreplay is the kindness you receive all day, everyday...loving your partner enough to WANT to make their life easier, not sitting around with excuses and then complaining..."why won't my wife make love to me".  Get real.

  19. She is doing way too much.... no wonder she comes home and has not the strenght to have s*x!!!

    HAve her quit her second job!

  20. You're expecting her to do all that, AND then have s*x with you? Think about her, how she's feeling and stop trying to get in her pants, seriously. I know if I worked that much, I wouldn't be in the mood.  

  21. With her working two jobs and going to school your lucky she is still with you.  That sounds to me like she is too busy to think about s*x.  When she goes to bed at night she probably can't think about moving again til she has to let alone having s*x.  Why would she need two jobs anyway.  People need to slow down not run down.  How she enjoy time with you when she doesn't have any?

  22. no wonder she doesnt want to have s*x she works 75 hours a week...and theres only 168 hours in a week! she really only has 93 hours left to do all tha house hold stuff!

  23. Affair!

    sounds as though she has found a lover... Sorry!

  24. Stop caring for YOUR needs.  She's providing for the both of you (for things more important than s*x) and she's just stressed.  Give her all the support you can give her because she's doing a lot for both of you!

  25. You cant expect her to drop her whole situation to just to make you happy come on now you sound like you don't want a wife you want a bread winner someone else that does the really hard work, and top it all be affectiate whenever you want it to be.. Grow up already.. Get out there and get a second job even if its flipping burgers.. rolls eyes!

  26. May be because you make her work 24/7 while she is going to school full time and you don't help he with chores and all you care about is getting under her pants!!  

  27. romance her spice things up a little you know keep it real! you better do something to get her attention before she gets the wondering eyesometimes women just get irritable,but sometimes we look for something we might be lacking at home!!!

  28. She's tired, you knothead! Time to choose. Happiness or miserable affluence. Jeez! The things people do to themselves!

  29. No doubt she has figured out what a loser she is married to.  She has taken on 2 jobs to support debt you didn't tell her about, she is tired and on top of that, does not find you all that attractive. She has probably figured out that there is more to life than working your butt off for some loser.

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