
Why My daughet(2 years old) is NOT likes to drinking water???

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Why My daughet(2 years old) is NOT likes to drinking water???

On her own, she never asks water!! she never says that she is thirsty!!

So, we gives her forcebly!!

Some times, we dont have any other option, we gives her some HOT pungent item, then she is Okay to dring some water!!

but, pls. let me know that,

1- why she is so hesitates to water?

2 - Is it psychological? or physiological?





  1. Easy, it has no flavor or color-I was the same way.  Why not give her something nutritious like Orange Juice.  If she is thirsty, she will let you know.  Understand, the only way to lose water is by sweat and urine.  

  2. it could be the lack of flavor.  don't force her.  give her other liquids to drink and foods that are naturally juicy.  apples, oranges, pears, etc. also don't feed her spicy foods.  she's too young to digest them properly.  

  3. She might just not like the taste of water. try juice, or lemon water. If she doesn't like to drink ANYTHING you may want to take her to the doctor and have them run some tests just to be sure. Good luck. Don't force her to drink things, or she may begin to resent you.

  4. Okay its perfectly normal.  Water has basically no taste and little kids like taste.  Also they don't really know hot, cold, thirsty that well at that age.  Try cutting up some fruit and letting it set in the water it gives vitamins and flavor.  Also they have juice boxes by caori sun if you can get them.  That's also water just flavored.  Maybe you could trick her into drinking that way.  Mostly things like water gag them sometimes too.  They can be overwhelmed with it.  Its best to try sips.  Keep trying she'll grow out of it.  Hope I helped.

  5. I don't like water either.  A lot of people don't.  It's bland, and sometimes tastes like the minerals that are dissolved in it, or chlorine and such.

    She can have watered-down 100% fruit juice and milk if she won't drink water.  There's nothing wrong with that.

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