
Why NASA did not reveal the presence of Aliens on Moon during their mission to MOON?

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How an astranaut after 3 to 4 decades revealing what he saw on the mission MOON the aliens' presence? But the question is that is there is any proof available with him like video footage or photographs?This was telecast few days ago on some news channel.




  1. I'm pretty sure that the astronaut just said that he had seen the aliens, he didn't necessarily say that he saw them on the moon.

    And, I don' t think that the government wants us to know about them either because they're afraid of mass panic and chaos, or they like to deal with them in back-handed ways and they're afraid that people would object... but then, we've never objected when the US deals with other countries in back-handed ways. Who knows.

  2. there is no such thing called ALIENS my friend

  3. Probably because 1.) They didn't think Americans were ready for such a revelation 2.) Not enough tangible evidence existed 3.) The so called 'Evidence' has yet to be or has not yet been validated therefore making the 'Announcement' purely theoretical.

  4. its rubbish !! if there were aliens they wud have revealed it n became famous. y will some1 reveal now?? just a jig to get more TRP by news channels..

  5. If you are referring to Edgar Mitchell, I don't think he claimed he saw aliens on the moon, just that there were aliens that had visited the earth... that he had received official NASA briefings on alien presence... but that's interesting enough. He also said he believed the government would soon release the information it had. I hope that is true.

  6. i have the exact answer that you wnt. this is because the aliens are helping U.S.A in making there technology better . all this is in area 51 you can get further in formation on google about area 51 and aliens there.


  7. Where did you hear this? As far as I know the only aliens on the moon were the earthling Americans.

  8. False news.  

  9. a lunatic statement  

  10. It was probably the Soviets that said that. They were jealous we beat them, then they spread rumors about "aliens" and try to make it sound to the rest of the world that the US is making alliances with men on the moon, so everyone hates us. It didn't work out like that, but everyone still hates us.

  11. All the countries be prepared for Independence Day part 2.

  12. Yes there is proof


    I am retired military and go to Fairborn Ohio to Wright Patterson Airforce BX CX (it is not in Dayton only near by)

    And there is no hidden hanger under ground there at least none that anyone will speak about But that base is a command base and not stingy on property


    For the government to not give potential that there is intelligent life other than on Earth is kind of dumb even they say there might be


    To show that there is life that has an advance intelligence that makes us look like someone that is living in the 13 century

    Has had most "Think Tanks" putting out big STOP signs


    As to how the world would respond to it

    Religion is the nail in the shoe

    What would happen to the worlds religions if they found out that there is life that is so far advanced than on earth that we look like a Zoo display of primitive life


    And the collapse of world wide religion would cause unrest that would for sure cause global caios of unknown damage to our society


    And the world is not ready for it if the terrorist are raised in a religion that teaches that to die for it is a path way to heaven


    So we may never know what the truth is cause Earth population is to primitive to know that

    .. ..

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