
Why Not India's Ministry of-Finance in coming Budget "Should completely ban SUBSIDY on DIESEL"?

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In India, we use such "DIESEL"~which have had greater Sulphur amount comparing to U.K or France & that's why here "DIESEL car are key air pollutant; whereas Government continuiously year after year subsidises "DIESEL" & simultaneously @ Bali or in Kyoto Protocol contiguiously promise to cut emmission rate. Isn't double standard? .Interestingly now apex court is now going to convert all "DIESEL car to CNG". Iknow; "To ban Subsidy on Diesel have a Political Ramification. " But I ask & my blogger decide "What's more easy step?". Though only for 2009 Election "It's very tough to ban Subsidy on Diesel!




  1. DIESEL is good you're wrong, lol

  2. The idea of subsidy's stands against a free market.

    In the USA now only ultra low sulfur diesel fuel is available.

    Perhaps a temporary subsidy to clean up diesel emissions until the market is completely switched over?

    But no subsidy for polluting diesel industries.

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