
Why Obama does not salute the flag?

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I have been getting tons of emails with this explination as to why. What do you think?

'As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking

sides,' Obama said. 'There are a lot of people in the world to whom the

American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a

war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song

'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might

salute it.'




  1. He does salute the flag. Why do idiots keep perpetuating this rumor?

  2. he does salute the flag

    This issue has been beaten to death


  3. Salute the flag?  Obama isn't in the military that's why.

  4. Muslims look only to Allah.

  5. i believe he's really a radical. just look at his associations with wright, farrakhan, and ayers. i really don't trust obama.

  6. He hates us

  7. Because the American Flag does not represent his country of choice,Africa!!

  8. Obama hates America. He wants to rename it Africa and change our money to say "In Obama we blindly follow"

  9. That sounds like a load of bull.

  10. Why should Obama solute the flag?  Do you?  I don't.  I'm not in the military.  What is an 'explination'?

    Speaking of hating America:  why does Palin want Alaska to succede from America?  Does she hate America that much? Why do you cons support such a radical anti-American candidate?  She and her husband belong to a party in Alaska that wants to form their own country.  Why do cons always support anti-Americans infavor of their own party or business?

    Becareful of questioning Democrats patriotism.  Are you sure you want to go there?  We have alot more ammo against the GOP on this matter and against Palin in particular. Especially after the last 8 years of GOP corruption and lies from the senate and congress, all the way to the white house concerning the starting of the war in Iraq based on lies.

  11. Somewhere in the bible it says, "salute no man along the way."

    Jehovahs witnesses think that extends to saluting the flag or saluting officers in the military.

  12. why do republicans think that questioning democrats' patriotism is is their best strategy for winning?  perhaps because in a campaign about issues only the gop would lose?

  13. B. Hussein Obama has plans to get us a new flag, The Union of North America. There won't be any United States of America if he gets his way.

    Haven't you seen the Union of North America TV adds supporting B. Hussein Obama?

  14. Sounds like he is just respecting all people. What do you mean by salute? Not doing a military style salute or putting your hand over your heart?  I have seen him do that.I agree that some of songs should be updated a bit to be more encompassing of all Americans. Not all of us would like "bombs bursting in air to represent us in the world."

  15. cause he is sooooo angry!!!!



  16. I think it's a fabrication.

  17. Obama should not salute the flag, he has no right to because its an honor for the military or boy scouts or girl scouts. why? because you have to be under cover or in layman's terms have a hat on. but I do have a problem with the jet we furnished and paid for, why did he take the american flag off of it??? you all better watch this rat he is a wolf in brown sheep skin with a crooked mouth.  

  18. Because he's not a xenophobe?

  19. To many socialists, our flag is a nuisance they have to salute when people are looking. Obama's just more honest about his hatred of it. Check out the people he surrounds himself with, his associates. They all hate this country. If you hang with rats, most likely you're a rat.

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