
Why Obama going to Iraq with liberal network anchors only? Just to get a favorable liberal TV interview?

by Guest64253  |  earlier

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Why Obama going to Iraq with liberal network anchors only? Just to get a favorable liberal TV interview?




  1. He is a liberal. Who else would he take with him?

  2. What, like fox (propaganda- where's Goebbels when you need 'im)  news? look around you fool, there aren't any center ballanced (what you would call liberal- because they don't spout the lies the corporations are churning out to keep you occupied, while they pic your pockets clean) left. so you can sleep soundly tonight, knowing that the lies you berlieve in will be there to give you comfort in the morning, even if gas for you car or a roof over your head won't. Live the dream!!! lol.

  3. Should he take some moron from the Fox News Channel?  Seriously, this is a campaign.  What would his motivation be for taking a hatchet-man for the other side with him?

  4. Because he would crumble like a house of cards if faced with pertinent and hard questions about him.  He's been so propped up by the liberal media and coddled.  That was the only way he's been able to get to where he is today.  Has nothing to do with anything he's done, which is virtually nothing.


    Adam B - I rest my case.

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