
Why PAKISTAN is more democratic than USA?

by  |  earlier

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Is it because Musharraf was easily impeached, but Bush and Cheney can not?




  1. I don't know about the stunning news given by your question, a compliment which most Indians(blind antagonists) will never like.

  2. You're right...we knowingly allow terrorist to have safe harbor all over our also needs to be pointed out that Bush and Cheney have broken no laws...if they had they would be impeached know like Clinton was!

  3. Bush won the 04 election by a record landslide.  Get over it!

  4. Democracy is 2 guys voting to s***w the 3rd guy.

    There is a higher principle than democracy.  It is called freedom.  They're not the same, don't confuse them.

  5. it is not.

  6. i guess it beat just shooting him

    Mr Bush could be impeached if the house had the well to do it

    Really don't know how to break this to you but YOUR opinion in not what counts with them

    Why do liberals have this mind set ''I don't vote for him why is he president?'' "" I don't like him why don't they remove him?''

    It's time for y'all to get over yourselves

    Come Nov your going to be one sad little boy

  7. The general public here, do not walk around with AK-47's  and play with bombs as a daily routine.

  8. There really havnt been many grounds for impeachment.  They keep a pretty tight paper trail, and tend to delegate blame very well.  Just ask Powel, Rumsfield, or Gonzalez.

  9. Because US's sense of democracy is limited to themselves only. There are no human rights for non-white or non-US citizens.

    If they are such champions of democracy, why don't they put their presence to vote in Afghanistan? Let the popular opinion direct their actions in Iraq, and Afghanistan.

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