
Why PHILOSOPHY is called"Queen of all Sciences"?

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if any person get ph.d degree,for examle if anyone get ph.d in history,that full form is philosophy of doctrate in history

why philosophy is called queen of all sciences?

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  1. In chess game queen can move in many direction. In life it bare male and famale is the ultimate department. P.H .L.O.S .O. P.H.Y. It never dies. Queen.

  2. In English speaking nations, I've never heard it called the "Queen." Metaphysics is the First Science of Sciences.

    Actually, it does take some intuition, but I never thought of intuition as "feminine."

    "Intuition: (Lat. intuere, to look at) The direct and immediate apprehension by a knowing subject of itself, of its conscious states, of other minds, of an external world, of universals, of values or of rational truths."

    In English speaking countries, the "Queen" is either theology

    or math

  3. she gets laid under evry philosopher

  4. Philosophy is the queen of all sciences because it requires a great amount of intuitive understanding, instead of just empirical data to come to a full understanding of it.

    Intuition is a rather feminine trait that is difficult for many to grasp.  That is what makes Philosophy the "Queen."

    I don't know how to list this answer numerically.  I don't think that way.  LOL

  5. It's because the German word "Philosophie" is feminine that it's called *queen* rather than *king* of the sciences. The word translated as "queen" is *Herrin*, literally "mistress", in the sense of a female master; but translating it as "mistress" would of course be misleading.

    Philosophy should be master of the sciences, because, to speak with Heidegger, science does not think. Philosophy itself is not a science, not even the "absolute science". It is something intrinsically different to science.

    Nietzsche said *psychology* should be the queen of the sciences, but not as something intrinsically different, but as one science among others (even as a king is one man among others).

    Psychology should be the king of the sciences, according to him, and philosophy should be like their God. This is because philosophy first gives the sciences a *purpose*...

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