
Why People throwing lemon and coconut on streets?

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We are about to enter 21st century. But the people like in Tamilnadu breaking lot of Coconuts and lemon throwing the on streets during every fridays and some festivel days in the name of god. It is making our streets dirty and dangerous to the vehicles. Particularly in Coimbatore it is too high. Hi young guys why can't you protect such things.




  1. I think it is a belief that Coconuts and lemon will pull all the bad and illluck . However when one gets the realization that one is causing inconvinence to others, only then these things can be stopped, as these things are inculcated right from child hood and its believed to be right.

    thats my thought :-)

  2.    There are a lot more stupid things that people do in the name of God. He gave things for man and all other living things to survive on this earth to consume to live and multiply. But man has chosen to do  these foolish things as if God wants them.  There is a community that burns paper money and and all sorts of paper models to send to the other world for their dead relatives to use them. What a waste of  money and what a gross pollution to this already polluted  world.  I am very glad you are one person with such strong feelings over these stupid practices.  

  3. they believes that it will keep them away from bad omens and curses.

  4. Why do you care?  It's not harming YOU, is it?  Let them do their thing, and you do yours.

  5. This practice has nothing to do with god.This has something to do with magic. Lemon has great power to absorb energies.It is used for good as well as bad energy absorbtion. Iis thrown in the streets to be trampled by other people. People who run shops and small businesses know practical things.  They are not going to listen to your logic. How do you know that it has no effect. You just sitting in your chair concluded it.  But these people are more like scientists. They experimented it out of fear. Because their business is their food and they have to do anything to protect it. By experimenting they know that it works. With a few capacitors and transistors you can capture radio waves and sound can be reproduced. It looks very logical.But with simple things people do magic and it looks stupid only because you do not know the principles.

  6. well, youth are not doing these type of things, k? its the old fashioned people doing this in the name of culture, tradition, belief blah blah.. your living in india man.. not in USA.. so try to adjust and adapt..

    different country - different style.. got it?

    wear a helmet if riding bike, so even if you fall down after bumping on a coconut or lemon, nothing will happen to you.. even if you buy a new vehicle you will do a pooja by running the wheels on lemon.. coconut is half broken only.. and that too.. street kids will take it and consume it the moment a coconut has been throwed.. half coconut is dangerous? i dont think so..

    when driving car or other bigger vehicles.. use a safety belt.. seat belt.. which none follows in india.. then why blame on roads and people's thousand year old beliefs?

    its time to CHANGE...  

  7. Lemons are delicious.

  8. These practices are symbolic. They play a psycological role in making the people think that they are crushing bad forces.Let it be ,na?

    The lemon seller is profiting, the coconut seller is profiting, the poojari is profiting and the person who does it feels good. Better than a counselling session,na ? Cheaper too.

    You think of something that frustrates you, concentrate on that , smash a coconut to smithers and see how good you feel.

    I dont think ,comparetively harmless practices like this must become an issue.

  9. A pure state of Ignorance from ignorance.

  10. The best answer I can give you it's not mine. It was given by Jesus, The Son Of God, The Father, and I believe it is appropiate to mention it now: "You worship what you do not know, we worship what we know".

    Ignorance, superstition is not a privilege of non christians. Some christian groups do horrible and stupid celebrations in the name of God, i.e.: in some places - I don't want to offend anyone - during what it's known as "good friday" (english), "holy week" (same dfestivity, but in spanish culture), some people received mock crucifications and they mutilate themselves until bleeding. Some muslim countries have a similar celebrations, in which they hurt themselves with belts and chains on their backs, until they beed ?????. Would God be proud of them? I doubt it.

    Bottom line: ignorance and superstition has taken the reason and love out of humans.  

  11. want to explain yourself a little better?

  12. Coconuts and lemons gave nothing to do with Jesus.  

  13. Not sure what your talking about.

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