
Why p****y in Music industry is so-threat @ India?

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1) Our IPR (Intellectual Property Rights ) jurisdiction isn't so smart.

2) Implemention & Prosecution of Copy rights in our system is very poor.

3) Our Singer are not concen about the "patent", they are always consider only "popularity"--that's why everyone now connect i-pod to net & download million of songs- --it doesn't matter wheather it's paid content or free content.

4) The marketting executive of several music industry are callow--

5) Our cyberspace are not well monitored & that's why every year all casette company have some huge loss 4rm Sony BMG to IMI 2 even T-series.

Do you think any other reason? click me.




  1. These pirates are working for syndicates or even funding terrorists.

    So where do you think rebels, terrorists or syndicates get their dough or weapons??? From these pirates of course

  2. As long as more and more Indian think your way of thinking there always a hope.  The Chinese think p****y is their right of birth!

  3. you have analysed the whole affair excellently - all points are the cause of p****y.

    one response received is also correct in its own way.

    Law enforcement authorities give least preference for this issue,  there is absolutely no cooperation from them

    there are latest technology which reduces p****y to a large extent

  4. Some more reasons:

    1. "Free" mindset - Generally, we look for things "free". It's everywhere - marketing in US took to the world the habit of "buy one, get one free". This creates a habit. Then we start looking for free. If you check history, access to music records was limited to the rich, who could pay for the LP records. All India Radio was popular as it would play music all through the day, and pay royalty to the artistes.

    2. p****y is indirectly promoted: With the proliferation of the Internet, and tough competition among artistes, some make their music available for free download, and then others follow suit. Soon, you lose track of the "real" and the "remix" or the "pirated".

    There is an opportunity in every threat. By allowing p****y of it's operating system, Microsoft killed the competition. And now, Microsoft makes more money by selling only licenses to corporates than it loses due to p****y by individuals. Music industry should learn from Microsoft. Some of them may have already.

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